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Blueberry meringue cookies - A Happy Food Dance. Life and cuisine. We slept under a blanket last night for the first time since spring, with our windows still open, and felt the cool breeze of the seasons changing. Today I’m officially celebrating fall with its lower temperatures, longer shadows and weekends of baking. There will be a lot of pies (or pirozhki in Russian) here in the upcoming months. Here’s my first batch: Apple-Cinnamon Pies Dough:3 cups of flour1.5 packages (12g) of dry yeast2/3 cup warm milk100g (approx. 7 and 1/2 Tbsp) softened butter1 egg1 egg yolk1 tsp. sugarPinch of saltFilling:3 large apples, peeled and cored1 tsp. ground cinnamonSugar, 1 tsp. per pie Makes approx. 10-12 pies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

More Russian pies: Carrot pirozhki Green Onion and Egg pirozhki Rhubarb pirozhki Пирожки с яблоком и корицей Дрожжевое сдобное опарное тесто: 3 стакана муки 12г (1,5 пакетика) сухих дрожжей 2/3 стакана тёплого молока 100г сливочного масла (размягчённого) 1 яйцо (комнатной температуры) 1 желток (комнатной температуры) Щепотка соли Начинка: Flan à la noix de coco : Recette de Flan à la noix de coco. Tartine’s Fruit Galettes. I mentioned in my post about Prague last week that I had some amazing fruit galettes from a bakery in Prague called Bakeshop. Ever since, I’ve really wanted to recreate them! They were so delicious, the pastry was short and buttery but flaky at the same time, crunchy with all the sugar sprinkled on top. The galettes were packed full of fruit too, with apple as the base and seasonal summer fruits on top – plums in one, cherries in another (check out a photo here!).

These galettes were my first attempt at recreating the ones I had in Prague. The recipe is from Tartine and calls for a proper galette dough. We loved these! However, these aren’t quite the ones I had from Bakeshop. I’ll keep trialling, but in the meantime, I highly recommend this recipe! To make the dough, put the cubed butter in the freezer for 10 minutes. Recipe adapted from Tartine. Like this: Like Loading... Related Berry Galettes and My TV Appearance July 16, 2015 In "Dessert" Caramel Apple Galettes In "Fruit" Hello all! Chaussons aux Pommes (Apple Turnovers) A few years ago, on our way to Poland to visit family, my mum and I stopped over in Paris for a few days. I was just beginning my love affair with butter, and I dragged her around Paris so I could check out all the amazing boulangeries and patisseries.

Without doubt, at every single bakery, while I was busy ordering pain au chocolat and escargot, my mum would have chaussons aux pommes. And she was onto something, because they are absolutely delicious. They aren’t very common here, you can probably find them at a bakery or two but they’re definitely not easy to come across, or nearly as good as the ones from Paris! So last week I made my own chaussons aux pommes at home. And they really are very easy! The apples get cooked off in some butter, cinnamon and brown sugar, the puff gets rolled out into little ovals, then the turnovers are assembled (like this!) What could be better on a chilly autumn day?

Peel, core, and quarter the apples. Adapted from Kary Osmond. Like this: Like Loading... Related.