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Tools / Dictionaries. Home School Curriculum | Geography Matters - Homeschool Curriculum. Cambridge Primary - Resources. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website - change your settings Cambridge Primary offers high-quality support, including teaching materials and training to help you plan and deliver the programme. Training and development Cambridge Primary schools receive access to a free online introductory training course. The course enables an unlimited number of teachers to learn at their own pace over the first year.

We also offer tutor-led online training and face-to-face training, as well as professional development qualifications. Teachers using the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language curriculum framework can take the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) provided by our sister organisation, Cambridge English Language Assessment. Teaching materials Teaching materials available to Cambridge Primary schools include: Cambridge Primary support website When you register for Cambridge Primary you will be given free access to our secure Cambridge Primary Support site. Resources. Home Life Catalog: Practical Homeschooling Magazine. How a Practical Homeschooling Magazine Subscription Can Help You Join over 100,000 readers who love our: Exclusive annual Reader Awards® and i-Learn Awards® (for interactive learning products). Stop worrying if you're making the right curriculum choices. Find out which products homeschoolers love best, in dozens of academic and age categories.

There's no risk! Subscribe Today! To find out about current offers and pricing, click on the link that describes you: USA IndividualUSA Individual Gift SubscriptionUSA Librarian (purchasing for a library)Outside USA IndividualOutside USA Library PHS Renewals. Welcome to Home School Enrichment and HSE Magazine! ELICITING SOUNDS /r/ Good Morning SLPs! This will mark the final entry on our series Eliciting Sounds. We are going to talk about /r/ which has been labeled by many as the "hardest" sound to teach. There are many suggested techniques to try so keep in mine these two things: 1. go with the strategy that you are most comfortable and confident and 2. keep trying different strategies until you find one that works for the kid sitting in front of you. Just because it worked with the last kid does not mean it will work with this one! Now with that in mind here are our tips.

TIP #1 Visual Verbal Label I’ve heard the R sound labeled as many different and creative things. TIP #2 Shape from /i/ (long E) Have the child produce /i/ several times until s/he can grasp the concept that the tongue is wide and touching the sides of the upper teeth midway back in his mouth. TIP #3 Shape from /j/ (Y sound) This utilizes the same basic approach as for /i/. TIP #4 Manually Move the Tongue Back TIP #5 Cue with WIDE, UP, and BACK. Education. Home Education. Denkspiele / Brain games. Ausbildung. Bibliothèques. Ressources pédagogiques. OER-Open Educational Resources. eLearning and beyond. How We Learn. Platforms. Groups. Ressources pédagogiques. How To Think & Learn... E-Learning & Teaching tools. E-Learning & Teaching tools. Future education. Useful Tools. English. Inglés. E-Learning.