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Tutorials. Designer. Articles. Elements of a Great Web Design Portfolio. It's sad to say, but a lot of designers neglect their own portfolio sites. They spend all of their time working on client projects rather than their own business (which is admirable, for sure). The problem with that is that they're likely losing business, and potentially losing out on some of the best clients they might have. Your portfolio is a reflection of your business. It's a reflection of who you are as a designer. And it's the first thing a lot of your potential clients are going to see. Make sure that what they're seeing is giving the impression you want to give them. That means pay attention to details, keep things updated, and put your best foot forward.

Here are some more elements you should consider when creating your portfolio site: Prominent Showcase of Your Work This is one of those things that should be a given, but so many sites really miss the mark. Don't just show off one or two pieces on the front page and then make it nearly impossible to find the rest of your work. 30 Free PSD Login Page Templates. AZMIND - Free Wordpress Themes & Web Design Resources. Designers Know Your Code: Web Design Tutorials. Oct 03 2011 As almost any web designer worth their salt, and a large percentage of web developers will tell you, to be fully considered a web designer you have to have some background in code.

Not to the depth that full on developers must, but it really is unfair to the rest of those working on a website with us if we do not have some knowledge in a handful of key areas. Which is where these web design tutorials come in. In this post we have gathered a handful of useful tutorials from these various areas of code that designers should have their hands in.

CSS Tutorials 30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners – CSS is a language that is used by nearly every developer at some point. 6 Ways To Improve Your Web Typography – Typography on the web is anything but simple, and for many, it is a troubling mystery. 3 Easy and Fast CSS Techniques for Faux Image Cropping – This article is a summary of a 3 fast and easy CSS techniques you can use to display only a portion of an image in your content. (rb) 40+ High Quality Free Icon Sets in PSD Format. Aug 18 2011 It goes without saying that high-quality PSD files are some of the most precious resources for a designer. This is the reason why even the most skilled and experienced designers are constantly on the look out for new PSD files to add to their toolboxes so they are armed and ready for whatever their next client or project has to throw at them. The fact that PSD files can easily be edited and modified as per your own needs and requirements makes them the preferred choice of the designers for getting their work done efficiently and swiftly.

In this roundup, we are showcasing a collection of over 40 high quality icon sets that are available in PSD formats so that you can edit them at your ease. Enjoy the resources. The Goods All psd icon sets are free. Free Google Plus Icons Set Google Plus Icons, set of free 13 different social icons (almost every style is included). Key icon PSD A beautiful icon of a key in PSD and PNG formats. Modern compass icon (PSD) Blue compass web icon. (rb) 25+ Useful Document and File Comparison Tools. Aug 26 2011 Figuring out how a document has changed from one version to another isn’t always the simplest task.

It’s further complicated when that document is longer or more complex, like source code. The tools collected here can help you analyze and compare your documents and files, as well as merge them if necessary. There are tools to compare everything from Word docs to WAV files, and everything in between (including plenty that support syntax highlighting for code). File and Document Comparison Tools Beyond Compare Version 3 Beyond Compare lets you easily compare files and folders, including text files (with syntax highlighting for HTML), Word Docs, and PDF files, among others. Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope lets you compare text documents (including source code) and images. Workshare Compare Workshare Compare is an enterprise-level document comparison tool that lets you compare Word documents and text-based PDFs.

Docu-Proof Enterprise ExamDiff Diff Doc Compare Suite WinMerge Araxis Merge Changes. The 21 Greatest SEO Myths of the Modern World. Sep 22 2011 They say that ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power but somewhere between these clichés there’s a spot reserved for individuals who possess a little too much knowledge to be blissful but still only enough knowledge to be dangerous. SEO, as an industry, is known unfortunately for the mass of rumours, myths, mistruths and unscrupulous gurus. This in part stems from the search engines’ unwillingness to discuss their algorithms (this lack of disclosure is completely understandable). This breeds a culture of myths where newbies and veterans alike get caught out by nothing more than hearsay that gains traction. The aim of this post is to try and dispel some of the more widely held SEO myths: #1 – Google is the Only Search Engine Google may be the largest search engine but you shouldn’t ignore the others.

Many of the techniques and principles are the same across the search engines but you should also do things like register your website over at Bing’s Webmaster Center Tools. (rb) Cross-Browser CSS Reflections, Glows and Blurs. Reflections can add an interesting dimension to objects, lending a touch of realism and giving them context within their surroundings. Let's take a look at achieving reflections with CSS and we'll examine glowing and cross-browser blurring for good measure too. Assumptions Following this tutorial works on a number of assumptions: You know your HTML.You are familiar with CSS and CSS2 selectors.If you want to recreate the example exactly, you should know how box-shadow works.

Box-reflect vs. Box-reflect is a CSS property which is meant for precisely this purpose: making reflections. At the time of writing both properties are only supported by webkit (Chrome and Safari).The implementation is buggy to say the least. When Microsoft introduced their filter effects (think of the IE 4 era, nested tables for layout and images for reflections), the filthy filters didn't apply to the whole of any given element. Now, in the Chrome 17 era, webkit has made the same mistake. Fiddle | Full screen Choices… Menu Notification Badges Using HTML5 Data-Attributes. JavaScript Dropdown Menu. This page contains copy/paste code for creating a JavaScript dropdown menu (or "Jump Menu"). This menu uses HTML form elements and JavaScript to provide a quick, responsive jump menu. Dropdown menus like this are sometimes referred to as a "Jump menu" because it "jumps" to the selected URL as soon as you make the selection.

(Other drop down menus require you to click on a "go" button after you've made your selection - which is the safe way to go if you're worried about users who don't have JavaScript enabled). Explanation of Code The above code can be separated into two parts: the JavaScript code, and the HTML code. Here they are separated: The JavaScript This JavaScript code consists of a function we've called jumpto. The HTML The HTML part is what displays the actual dropdown menu, which in this case is an HTML <select> element. And there you have it - your own JavaScript dropdown menu! Enjoy this page? Thanks for supporting Quackit!