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Apple's Touch ID fingerprint sensor explained: Here's what you need to know. Apple's iPhone 5S looks nearly identical to the iPhone 5 apart from new colour options and a slim steel ring around the Home Button. But this ring isn't just for aesthetics. It detects fingerprints and alerts a new technology - called Touch ID - to scan, read and recognise fingerprints. While celebrated as one of the headlining features of iPhone 5S, Touch ID is also causing many to furrow their brows over security concerns. Something that can capture fingerprints, unlock iPhones and authorise App Store purchases might be frightening to some, but it's a game-changing advancement that potentially saves time and paves the way for more innovation. So, before you dismiss iPhone 5S and Touch ID, read what Pocket-lint has compiled below. It's everything you need to know and more. 1. Apple has embedded a fingerprint sensor into the iPhone 5S's Home Button as a way to bypass the lock screen's passcode and do away with Apple ID passwords.

Touch ID is just a brand name created by Apple. 2. 3. 4. 本日は『ルーム・トゥ・リード・ジャパン』に50ポイント届けました!次のゴールまで残りあと8500ポイント。 ~ NPOを無料で簡単に支援できる!gooddo(グッドゥ) ~ Bất hạnh của phụ nữ nằm ở cái miệng của chính họ. Yến Mèo Bất hạnh của phụ nữ, nằm ở cái miệng của chính họ. “Hạnh phúc ư, xa xỉ quá”, “Tình yêu sao, giả dối quá”, “Cuộc sống sao, cô đơn quá”... Và hàng tá những câu than vãn luôn có sẵn trong từ điển của một người phụ nữ. Họ đổ lỗi cho cấu tạo trái tim mềm yếu của tạo hóa tạo ra cho phụ nữ rồi đổ lỗi cho tất cả mọi bất hạnh trên đời đều xuất phát từ đó. Đó là lý do khiến phụ nữ trở nên bất hạnh. "Cuộc đời thật bất công". Là một chiêu so sánh ngầm của đa số phụ nữ, họ nhìn những thứ mà họ không có, nhìn những bộ quần áo sang trọng, nhìn những người đàn ông lịch lãm, nhìn những người phụ nữ quý phái khác rồi tặc lưỡi “đời thật bất công”.

Họ chỉ biết so sánh với những cái cao hơn mà không bao giờ chịu nhìn xuống những cái thấp hơn. "Giá mà trời sinh tôi đẹp hơn, giàu hơn…" Không, trời đâu có sinh người, cha mẹ sinh đấy chứ. Thay vì ở nhà và ca thán, hãy ra đường và tìm kiếm cơ hội. Mọi chuyện, đều có thể giải quyết, mọi con đường rồi sẽ có hướng ra. Vài nét về tác giả: Ngày bình thường của một lãnh đạo. Business Insider đã cho đăng kết quả của một cuộc khảo sát nhỏ với các lãnh đạo đến từ 163 công ty về cách họ dùng thời gian trong ngày.

Trong số các công ty này có một số tên tuổi nổi bật như Adobe, American Express, AT&T, Boeing, Google, HP, John Deere, Johnson & Johnson, Kelloggs, Motorola, Rio Tinto, và Twitter. Khỏi cần tranh cãi, các leader luôn luôn bận rộn, nhất là khi họ đang startup và dốc toàn lực cho nó. Nhưng để chạy đường dài, họ cũng tỏ ra là những người biết chăm sóc bản thân và cân bằng cuộc sống cách thông minh. Kết quả khảo sát bên dưới cũng chỉ ra điều này. Bạn hãy xem một ngày làm việc của mình với một ngày của các nhà lãnh đạo công nghệ Mỹ có điểm nào tương đồng với nhau nhé! Chuyển ngữ infographic bởi Cường Nghiêm Biên tập bởi Quyen Quyen Bạn nghĩ sao về bài viết? Use a Broken Metal Fork as a Quick Door Lock.

Science Explains What The State Of Your Desk Says About You. Does every object on your desk have its proper place? Do you keep your pencils sharpened to the exact same length and dust regularly between your computer keys? Or maybe there’s so much junk on your desk that you can’t even see the surface. Maybe all that crap looks like it’s levitating. It turns out, there are benefits to both types of work spaces. A recent study published in Psychological Science, found that subjects who worked in a clean room were more likely to make charitable donations and eat healthy foods than those who worked in a messy room. In contrast, researchers found that a messy work space cued subjects to defy convention. Vohs says the study’s findings have immediate and practical implications. [Image: Flickr users KittyKaht, and Solarbotics] Shaping Clouds.

When I was a child I was told that clouds’ shapes were created by expert balloon twister clowns who live in the sky, so that they can keep entertaining children. On my last trip to Mexico I remembered this and I started to photograph clouds on the road. The result is Shaping Clouds, a series of illustrations where I drew the first thing that came into my mind when I saw these clouds that I imagine someone made for me. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - De pequeño me contaron que la forma de las nubes estaba a cargo de los payasos expertos en globoflexia que vivían en el cielo, para seguir entreteniendo a los niños.

Durante mi viaje a México recordé esto y comencé a fotografiar nubes por la carretera. Proof That Constraints Can Actually Make You More Creative. Constraints can seem like the last thing you’d want for a creative project, but they’re actually beneficial when it comes to doing good work. If you’ve ever faced the common writer’s hurdle of the blank page, you’ll know what it’s like to be paralyzed by innumerable opportunities.

What restrictions do is take away some of the choices available to us, and with them, the paralysis of choice that stops us from getting started. We love trying things that seem counterintuitive at Buffer, but we especially love examples of how counterintuitive approaches can produce great results. Check out a few examples of the amazing work that can come from creative constraints, and then find out how you can begin to use constraints to aid your own creativity and productivity. 1. The short story that will bring a tear to your eye This is one of those stories that’s so old, no one can really prove who was part of it or how it went down.

For sale: baby shoes, never worn Powerful stuff, right? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why Boundaries Are The Best Thing For Your Creativity. "Think outside the box," "Break down your walls," "Test your boundaries! " Creative thinkers, evidently, have some issues with drawing lines around their blue-sky ideals. But if whatever ideas we're storming up are going to be useful, they need to have some boundaries around them. Let's take a pressing real world problem as an example: contending with tuberculosis. Joseph V. Sinfield, Tim Gustafson, and Brian Hindo--three of the key people at the innovation consultancy Innosight--were recently brought in by the Lilly Foundation and the World Health organization for a massive two-day ideation session. The goal, shared on the Sloan Review, was to build a plan for distributing the drugs to treat the 500,000 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis that are active around the world.

Only 20,000 of those cases currently have access to the right drugs. So how did the best minds in global health form ideas? In praise of walls Boundaries are crucial for all kinds of creativity. 1. 2. 3. 4. HOÀNG ĐÌNH TRỌNG. Creativity Pays in Work and Life. In his new book Creative Intelligence, Bruce Nussbaum argues that creativity is an undervalued skill that anyone can cultivate. Not just for artists and musicians, he argues, creative intelligence — or CQ for short — is what separates the winners and losers of the business world as well. The author, a professor at Parsons The New School for Design in New York, recently spent a few minutes explaining how each of us can go about cultivating our own CQ. What is creative intelligence? Taking original ideas and scaling them into the creation of new products and services.

I really believe that we are all born with a capacity to be creative, and we get it beat out of us in a lot of the schools that we go to. We have to relearn it, and it’s not that hard. How can we be more creative? Creativity is all about making connections and seeing patterns. People often associate creativity with solo artists, but you argue that collaboration fosters creativity more often than working alone.

No. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (DMIT): a fundamental review! What is the 'Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test' (DMIT)? DMIT is an appealing commercial product which suggests that 'multiple intelligences' (read: talents) can be assessed from dermatoglyphics & fingerprints. During the past years DMIT became a popular niche in some Asian countries with the use of smart marketing techniques focused on especially young parents, who are often insecure about their child's future. Is DMIT really the reliable & scientifically validated test that it claims to represent?

At some locations (e.g. in Chinese cities) DMIT became banned after parents started complaining about e.g. the reliability of the DMIT results + doubts regarding the validity of various DMIT-claims. Also, incidental reports have been noticed from various sources where DMIT became described as a franchise scheme fraud/scam. . • Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test is constructed from 4 hypotheses! - Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test is constructed from 4 hypotheses! Top 10 Skills We Wish Were Taught in School, But Usually Aren't. Tư duy tiểu nông và nền văn hóa xe máy. Featured Image: Sylvain Marcelle Thời trung học cơ sở tôi vẫn được dạy rằng Việt Nam là một đất nước nông nghiệp có nền văn minh lúa nước với 90% dân số làm nông nghiệp, còn bây giờ, tôi xin mượn cách diễn tả trên để nói rằng Việt Nam có nền văn hóa xe máy vì trên 90% dân số Việt Nam chắc hẳn đều đi xe máy hoặc chí ít thì cũng sở hữu một cái xe máy.

Xe máy hiện diện trên tất cả ngóc ngách của đất nước này, từ chốn thành thị đến vùng nông thôn, từ miền núi tới miền xuôi, ở các đô thị xầm uất nhất cho tới các buôn làng xa xôi hẻo lảnh. Sự hiện diện của xe máy phổ biến tới mức nếu coi nó là một nét văn hóa thì cũng khó có thể phủ nhận. Xe máy là một trong những “chiếc neo” đang kéo cả một đất nước Việt Nam đi chậm lại bởi vì nó khiến cho con người ta có lối suy nghĩ và hành động tiểu nông và gián tiếp gây ra hậu quả cho toàn bộ lĩnh vực kinh tế và xã hội.

Thứ nhất, xe máy là thủ phạm của tư duy làm ăn manh mún. Thứ hai, xe máy là thủ phạm của việc quy hoạch thiếu tầm nhìn. Patrick. How To Be Prolific: Guidelines For Getting It Done From Joss Whedon. Note: This article is also included in our year-end creative wisdom round-up. Few people get things done in as consistent and impressive a fashion as Joss Whedon. His Avengers was the rare superhero movie to break box office records as it garnered critical acclaim. And while he was editing that Marvel-Disney monster, he secretly shot a version of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing at his own house with friends from many of his previous movie and TV projects, including Clark Gregg (The Avengers), Nathan Fillion (Firefly), Amy Acker (Dollhouse), Fran Kranz (A Cabin in the Woods), and Alexis Denisof (Buffy).

Meanwhile, he’s the man behind the much-anticipated Marvel TV series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., also starring Gregg. As Much Ado hit theaters and kicked indie-film ass, Whedon sat down with Co.Create to lay out how he manages to juggle so many projects. In other words, get specific. So, surprisingly, Whedon advises getting the fun stuff done first. “No,” he replies. For example? Millionaires never retire. A third of the people polled with $1 million to $5 million in investible assets are currently working in retirement. That compares with just 15 percent of those retirees with less than $250,000 who are still working. Read MoreGreat wealth transfer will be $30 trillion—yes, that's trillion with a T What's the point of working if you're rich enough to retire?

Because they enjoy it. Nearly all of the affluent retirees surveyed said they keep working because "they want to," according to the study. Today's boomer retirees are climbers and strivers, and sitting on a beach or playing shuffleboard can only satisfy their soul for so long. Wealthy retirees cite "staying mentally active" as the top specific reason they continue to work, according to the study. Read MoreStaying rich for three generations—it's not easy! But there are other reasons the rich keep working. ReadPaper.pdf. (New) Project Manager - Công ty TNHH Jones Lang LaSalle (Việt Nam) Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE:JLL) is a professional services and investment management firm offering specialized real estate services to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying and investing in real estate.

With annual revenue of $3.9 billion, Jones Lang LaSalle operates in 70 countries from more than 1,000 locations worldwide. On behalf of its clients, the firm provides management and real estate outsourcing services to a property portfolio of 2.6 billion square feet. Its investment management business, LaSalle Investment Management, has $47.0 billion of real estate assets under management.

For further information, visit Jones Lang LaSalle has over 50 years of experience in Asia Pacific, with over 25,100 employees operating in 78 offices in 14 countries across the region. Make a Giant Pancake in Your Rice Cooker. The Mathematical Formula for Making Hard Decisions, Like Who to Marry.

Thomson Reuters Foundation | News, Information and Connections for Action. This five day training course teaches creative approaches to producing TV news stories. Subjects include research, writing for TV, camera work and editing. Lectures are supported by practical exercises and video examples. The class is run by senior Reuters television journalists. Course Details: Start date: Aug 11, 2014 End date: Aug 15, 2014 Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Application deadline: Jul 14, 2014 Eligibility: Applicants must be from South East Asia and be working as broadcast journalists and currently working as a journalist or regular contributor to broadcast media organisations.

Funding: Bursaries would include economy travel expenses (for participants travelling to the Vietnam) and accommodation. Submissions: A biography of up to 250 words outlining your career. Two recent examples of your published work, preferably relevant to the course for which you are applying, with a brief summary in English (if necessary). Cool at 13, Adrift at 23. Gianluca Fabrizio/Getty Images At 13, they were viewed by classmates with envy, admiration and not a little awe. The girls wore makeup, had boyfriends and went to parties held by older students. The boys boasted about sneaking beers on a Saturday night and swiping condoms from the local convenience store. They were cool. They were good-looking. They were so not you. Whatever happened to them? “The fast-track kids didn’t turn out O.K.,” said Joseph P. It was their early rush into what Dr. As fast-moving middle-schoolers, they were driven by a heightened longing to impress friends. B. Researchers took pains to document the rise and fall in social status, periodically interviewing the subjects as well as those who they felt knew them best, usually close friends.

A constellation of three popularity-seeking behaviors characterized pseudomaturity, Dr. The researchers grappled with why this cluster of behaviors set young teenagers on a downward spiral. Dr. Dr. But as Dr. Yet by 23, Dr. Dr. Dung dịch xông tắm Dao'spa Mama | Dung dich xong tam Dao'spa Mama. Cạnh tranh xuyên lục địa. Thị trường Thế Giới - XãLuậ Tin Nóng. Nhandan newspaper - Vietnamese version - Bài học từ mở cửa thị trường viễn thông. 13 Uses for Cucumbers That Will Amaze You. Bài phát biểu của Tổng bí thư Lê Duẩn về Trung Quốc năm 1979. China Military Official Blasts U.S. 'Hegemony' at Shangri-La Security Conference - WSJ.

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Is not available. Reflections on learning (1) | Faith in Learning. Sách nói Xây Dựng Để Trường Tồn - Các Thói Quen Thành Công Của Những Tập Đoàn Vĩ Đại Và Hàng Đầu Thế Giới - Jerry I.Porass, Jim Collins. dung de truong ton.pdf. Global Remittance Flows. Amazing Amazon Story - Jeff Bezos Full Speech. Mồi Lửa & Đống Củi. The Smartest Machine On Earth. - 10 năm thực hiện Chỉ thị 58: Dịch vụ viễn thông - Internet đã được "bình dân hóa" Want An All-You-Can-Read Buffet? 3 Places To Find Free Ebooks Online. 7 Different Uses Of Integrating Google Drive With Gmail. NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ MÔ HÌNH MUNDELL-FLEMING VÀ CÁC HÀM Ý VỀ CHÍNH SÁCH TÀI KHOÁ, TIỀN - Tài liệu text. Hoạt động ngân hàng - Tài chính. Tuổi nào có thể làm giàu - Cao Lao Hạ. Luật sư kiến nghị khởi tố vụ Ngân hàng Nhà nước thiếu trách nhiệm - Chính tri - Xã hội - Pháp luật. Xử Bầu Kiên hay xử ai? - Xu Bau Kien hay xu ai? - Saigon Times Online - Thời báo Kinh tế Sài gòn - Thoi bao Kinh te Sai gon.

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