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Compil' 2012 Fail Compilation (Part 2) Stupid Car accident compilation! Hé mademoiseau ! Sep 20 Hé, mon joli ! J’suis en panne de crème fraîche, tu pourrais pas m’en donner ? Aug 30 Wesh les gazeaux, pourquoi vous faites les timides comme ça ?? Jul 21 Tu me fais baver, et je parle pas de ma bouche… Apr 28 L’association Hollaback a fait une chouette campagne contre le harcèlement de rue dans les transports de Philly.

Mar 22 Hé mademoiseau ! Jan 2 Hé Monsieur, vous faites quoi là ? Dec 18 Lui, barbe et moustache rasée de près, blue jean, manteau en cuir…<br>”Oh putain y’a Johnny Depp les filles !! Dec 15 Hé tu sais que t’es sexy ?! Dec 5 Hé mademoiseau ! Nov 14 T’es bogoss, viens donc faire un tour entre mes cuisses ! Le monde en 2 minutes : La Russie. 26 Epic Sports Fails - CollegeHumor Video Playlist. People being awesome. Thierry Henry NY Red Bulls Highlight 2011 HD. 6 Minutes of Stuff Getting Destroyed in Super Slow Motion CollegeHumor video. Compilation de crash en auto et moto. 10 of the Most Dangerous Chemicals in the World - StumbleUpon.

Interesting — when I was in the Army, it was called CBR (chemical, biological, radioactive). I wonder why they changed the order and the initials? Pressure from Jay Leno? NBC was for Nuclear, Biological, Radiological. I think it might have been for memory's sake, which might have something to do with the tv studio indeed - but maybe just for giggles. The military does not always make sense. When were you in? I was in back in the late 70s. I remember atropine was one of the drugs that was used to treat the immediate effects of nerve gas exposure. And we're supposed to believe that our benevolent government has truly decided to destroy all our VX stockpiles. I dunno, we've got much more targeted, devastating methods of wiping ourselves off the planet these days.

I was in in the 90's. The husband, Mr. The 10 Best Dubstep Videos of 2011. The 10 Best Girl Videos of 2011. 2011's 15 Most Viewed Viral Videos. Meanwhile, In Russia.