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Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 14: Sky Lands. Minecraft Mod Showcase : Mine-Up! Minecraft Mod Showcase : GravityCraft Revisited! Minecraft Mod Showcase: Insta-House! [INSTANT MOB TRAPS, HOUSES AND MORE!] Minecraft Mod! - Jammy Furniture! Enhanced Portals 2 v1.00 Mod Spotlight. The Pirate Bay - A Ugocraft Mod Showcase [Minecraft 1.5.2] How Big is Minecraft?

Wylker (Wylkervids) på Twitter... Wylker's Let's Play Minecraft: Episode 27 - Fin. Why you may never need booster rails again. Minecraft - Enterprise-D Episode 1.2. Minecraft Huge Overworld Gold Farm. Tachyonwolf's Feed the Beast super frame miner. SethBling Plays FTB -- Episode 1: My Pet Turtle. Useless Lever -- Minecraft Redstone Tutorial. Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 86: Claustrophobia Battle. Portal in Minecraft. Minecraft Bees - Hexflower. Mod Spotlights - Thirst Mod. Minecraft: 5 Ways To Troll Herobrine. Lighthouse Tour. 100% Undetectable Trap in Minecraft. Pin Tumbler Lock in Minecraft. Ars Magica v5.37.007 (Updated March 11) A look into what Minecraft could become when you add a splash of magic! Tofski and I have release a spinoff of capture the flag using Ars Magica! The server is running 5.52.013, and details are available here.

Tof and I will be on as often as we can, and we hope to see you there! I am making a successor to this mod. Get in on the discussion here! 1.5.2 Is Here! I have an IRC channel on espernet, #Mithion - feel free to drop in and chat about the mod. Wiki (Please read before asking questions! Excessively Asked Questions Read this. Spoiler: This mod crashed / This mod doesn't work with X other mod! This is usually just a case of some simple ID conflicts. Note that item IDs are internally shifted up by 256 by Minecraft. Please don't post it as a bug until you have tried this! Why do towers generate with terrain/dirt/trees through them?

They're ruined, abandoned and overgrown. I don't like the hi-res models/textures. I don't like how limiting it is having to make things in a 16x16 scope. I do. Mod Spotlights - Minions. Season 3 - Episode 84 - SMP Direwolf20's Minecraft Server Play. Thaumcraft 3 with Marty Ep9 - Slag Furnace & Tree Testing.

Mod Spotlight - Ars Magica Part 1. LEGO MINECRAFT. Minecraft - How to troll a griefer. 100 Ways to die in Minecraft part 16. EG-Drive Mk6.4 (6-Axis Frame Motor) MInecraft Episode 37 "Most intricate Sorting system EVER!!!" Minecart Interstate V3.0 [MineCraft]


Modgician | Minecraft Mod Manager. Mistakes to Avoid - Technic Pack Wiki. You probably know what not to do in regular old Vanilla Minecraft. Don't dig directly down. Don't build a fireplace in a wooden house unless you take into account the fire spread mechanics. Don't hug a creeper. Don't take on the night with no armor. Don't carry all your valuable tools with you when you are not using them. Particularly explosive mistakes will be highlighted in red. To editors: Feel free to add additional mistakes to the list, especially for those mods where there are currently few or no entries.

IndustrialCraft2 Edit IndustrialCraft2 provides many new machines and items to play with, but beware. Smelting all your ores at the beginning of the game - IndustrialCraft2 has an early-game machine called the Macerator that can grind your ores down into dust, which you can then smelt for resources. Feeding Redstone to your machines to power them - You get something like 500 EU (energy) per dust, which isn't even enough to complete one operation for most machines. BuildCraft. Tekkit - FarmCraft - Ep 11: Biomass and Biofuel. Integratedredstone - home. Thaumcraft Taint Purification with Redpower Frames. Portable Six-axis Frame Quarry [RedPower 2] Spawner Retriever.

Minecraft SP Mods #39:Portal Gun Mod. Minecraft Redpower Frames Hanger Door. "Creepers are Terrible" - A Minecraft Parody of One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful. Minecraft central nuclear. Let's Play Tekkit #23 - Airplane. Applications of ComputerCraft: Emails and Notifications. Minecraft secret house. Hot Air Balloon (Tekkit 3.03) with Frames. Minecraft Hidden House with RedPower2. Minecraft Computer Run Tunnel Boring Machine.