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19 Quotes About Censorship and Banned Books. This week marks the American Library Association’s celebration of Banned Books Week.

19 Quotes About Censorship and Banned Books

The annual event, which runs from September 27 through October 3 this year, “draws attention to the problem of censorship” by raising awareness about freedom of expression. You might think that burning books and censorship are things of the past, but hundreds of books continue to be challenged each year, reminding us that the freedom to choose which books we read is something we shouldn’t take for granted. We’ve put together a selection of quotes from authors and thought-leaders that show the importance of free expression of ideas, the danger of repression, and the power of the written word. On freedom of speech “I say let’s get back to the good old-fashioned First Amendment of the good old-fashioned Constitution of the United States — and to hell with the censors!

“A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad.” — Albert Camus Comments comments. Baby Bookworm Really Doesn't Want Story Time To End. The 21 Best Quotes About Reading. Do you believe it’s possible to lose your reading mojo?

The 21 Best Quotes About Reading

We think sometimes it is, but don’t worry — we’ve put together 21 inspiring, witty, and insightful quotes to remind us just how wonderful books can be. On the magic of books I’m always amazed at friends who say they try to read at night in bed but always end up falling asleep. I have the opposite problem. If a book is good I can’t go to sleep, and stay up way past my bedtime, hooked on the writing. On the comfort of books That is part of the beauty of all literature. The habit of reading is the only enjoyment I know in which there is no alloy. 13 Signs You're Addicted to Books. Ever wonder if your reading habit is getting the best of you?

13 Signs You're Addicted to Books

We do, so we collected 13 signs that you’re in trouble. Do these sound familiar? 1. You constantly want more. Source. Why digital natives prefer reading in print. Yes, you read that right. Frank Schembari loves books — printed books.

Why digital natives prefer reading in print. Yes, you read that right.

He loves how they smell. He loves scribbling in the margins, underlining interesting sentences, folding a page corner to mark his place. Schembari is not a retiree who sips tea at Politics and Prose or some other bookstore. He is 20, a junior at American University, and paging through a thick history of Israel between classes, he is evidence of a peculiar irony of the Internet age: Digital natives prefer reading in print. “I like the feeling of it,” Schembari said, reading under natural light in a campus atrium, his smartphone next to him. Textbook makers, bookstore owners and college student surveys all say millennials still strongly prefer print for pleasure and learning, a bias that surprises reading experts given the same group’s proclivity to consume most other content digitally.

The Gorgeous Typeface That Drove Men Mad and Sparked a 100-Year Mystery. Preserve the Joy in Nonfiction Reading. This article is the third in our blog series Close Reading Isn't Just for Novels: Teaching Students to Read Nonfiction.

Preserve the Joy in Nonfiction Reading

Click here to read all of the posts in the series. Thanks to our series sponsor, Renaissance Learning. With the rush to increase rigor, prep for assessments and teach the standards, a lot of the joy has been sucked out of teaching reading, especially teaching nonfiction. If you're feeling down about yet another textbook passage, it's important to remember that many kids fall in love with reading through nonfiction. There's the student who's read every book in your classroom library about space. 7 Timeless To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes. Yesterday, Harper Lee announced she will publish her second novel ever this summer.

7 Timeless To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes

Go Set a Watchman will be released in July as a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird. The Internet exploded with the news, and Lee fans across the country pledged to revisit To Kill a Mockingbird before reading the sequel. Texts from Jane Eyre. Report: 'Texts From Jane Eyre' By Mallory Ortberg. Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White - 50 Books That Will Make You Love to Read. Reasons to Love Writing by Hand  As a college professor, I am used to hearing excuses: I slept through my alarm.

Reasons to Love Writing by Hand 

I had to study for an organic chemistry test so I missed class. Everyone in my dorm got the stomach flu. My fraternity brother ate my homework. DIY Project Idea: How to Make a Modern Pegboard Shelving System. As DIY projects go, this is one of my favorites.

DIY Project Idea: How to Make a Modern Pegboard Shelving System

A photo of one popped up here on Apartment Therapy last year, and it's been in my crosshairs ever since. I love this shelving system because it's simple, yet pretty, and can be configured in multiple ways. It's also very easy to make, with a little precision and patience. So Yesterday : Date A Girl Who Reads by Rosemarie Urquico. Rich Neeley Designs by RichNeeleyDesigns. Book lovers never go to bed alone. Bookshelf. Screen-House-21. Amanda Patterson. Bookshelves - Google Search.