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The "Internet Of Food," DNA Testing, And The Quest For The Perfect Diet. "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. " Hippocrates may not have actually put it in quite those words, but that slogan summarizes his brand of doctoring. Just eat healthy food, right? Not so fast. It turns out that the connection between food and health is complicated by two facts discovered in recent decades. First fact: Diet affects the health of different individuals in different ways. Second fact: A majority of the cells in our bodies are non-human microbes, most of which live in our digestive tract. In other words, the link between diet and health is definitive but massively intricate.

With machine learning and detailed data, it should be possible to combine DNA testing and quantified self-tracking to understand dietary needs and apply this to the "Internet of Food" to satisfy those needs. This sounds like a new frontier in technology. The Internet Of Food: Still Incomplete Other companies offer variations on the theme. Analyzing The Eats The Future Of Big Food Data.


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