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Armen Zambrano's battlefield. John O'Duinn's blog. BBC’s Panorama coverage of The Spaghetti Harvest Apr 01 JohnHortonWorks, Mozilla, Soapbox (“Panorama” is the very-serious-current-affairs program of the British Broadcasting Corporation, and has been running continuously since 1953, making it the longest running current affairs program in the world.) On 1st April, 1957, Panorama ended its show with a brief ~3minute segment on the early harvest of the Spaghetti trees along the Swiss-Italian border.

It is believed to be one of the first times an April’s Fool joke was played on television viewers, and caused quite the stir at the time. Enjoy! More details on Wikipedia and The BBC. RelEngCon 2014 registration is now open! Mar 08 JohnHortonWorks, Mozilla In case you missed the announcements, RelEngConf 2014 is officially now open for registrations. Last year’s event was great. See you there! Infrastructure load for December 2013 and January 2014 Feb 23 JohnMozilla December saw a big drop in overall load – 6,063 is our lowest load in almost half-a-year. Lukas Blakk | release manager. Chris' random ramblings. The Release Engineering infrastructure at Mozilla relies heavily on buildbot for much of our infrastructure.

For various reasons we're running an older version based on buildbot 0.8.2, which we maintain in our own mercurial repository. We have many different masters with all sorts of different configurations. To make sure that we don't break things too often, we wrote a tools called that creates local versions of each unique master configuration and then runs a configuration check on it. Currently there are 20 unique master configurations to test, and it would take 4 minutes to run on all of them on my machine. Recently sfink landed some changes which would test all the masters in parallel, which brought the time down from a previously interminable 11 minutes. Four minutes is a long time to wait! My go-to tool for profiling python code is cProfile. Looks like buildbot's loadConfig is taking a long time! Now run to get our profile: Wow! [Blog] Asa Dotzler. Last week the desktop Firefox team got together in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to do more planning for 2013, hacking on key initiatives, and team building.

We had attendance from Engineering, User Experience and User Research, Product, and Innovation/Labs, totaling just under 30 people. On Monday Johnathan Nightingale and I presented the latest thinking on target markets, industry assumptions, and feature roadmaps for 2013. We were also treated to an amazing trio of presentations from Ed Lee of Innovation/Labs, UX's Madhava Enros, and Bill Selman from UR. On Tuesday, the whole team participated in an ideation session led by Madhava and Johnath that resulted in an exciting collection of short and long term work items. The ideation session started with a re-cap of some of the themes from the previous day's planning talks and instructions for everyone to write down as many ideas for Firefox improvements as we could. Here's a picture of the big wall before clustering.

And after. Standblog. Si quelqu’un (moi ?) Vous a envoyé sur cette page, c’est qu’il ou elle estime que vous êtes dans le déni du problème climatique. Oh, bien sûr, vous êtes au courant qu’il y a un problème avec le climat : il change, il se réchauffe, et tout le monde en parle. Comprenons-nous bien : je ne dis pas que vous niez le changement climatique, juste que vous refusez juste les changements qui s’imposent.

Car pour limiter ce changement climatique, il va falloir changer beaucoup de choses : Changer notre façon de consommer, et consommer moins ;Changer notre façon de nous déplacer, et se déplacer moins ;Changer notre façon de nous alimenter, et consommer moins de viande ;Changer notre façon de produire et produire moins ;Changer notre façon de créer de la richesse, et la partager plus. En fait, le plus dur, c’est d’abandonner ses habitudes, revisiter ses certitudes et pire encore, de renoncer à ses rêves. Je sais de quoi je parle, je suis fait comme vous.