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How To Make an 1870s Bustle Skirt. Male pattern boldness. Merry and Bright. 明けましておめでとうございます! An auspicious new year to you and yours. ^_^ I would really like to thank all the folks who've been following this blog for whatever reason. I hope you aren't disappointed when the posts are few and far between or when they're weird. It's my sincerest wish to improve the quality and frequency of updates to Shishi Girl (and maybe explain why it's called what it is) in the coming year. And now, BACK TO WORK MAKING STUFF! We are currently in the midst of a strange period of time between two calendars: the Gregorian calendar, which dictates that the new year has begun, and the Chinese calendar, which pokes the Gregorian calendar hard in the ribs and gives it the look that says "not yet, idiot.

" Eh-hem. That is to say, for a few more weeks, the world will be at odds over what year it really is. For those who prefer hammer, nails, and metal to paper and glue, there is the good ol' tin can lantern. You need: 1)Get some tin cans together. 4) Light 'em up. When Jude mends. The Cutter and Tailor. Alterations By Phyllis. Hi, I’m Phyllis Smith, of Alterations by Phyllis, and I’m a master seamstress. My job is to make your clothes fit perfectly and become loveable again. Nobody likes clothing that’s too large or too small because it’s unattractive and uncomfortable. So we have to figure out if we’re going to get that clothing fixed, and by whom. It makes sense to find a tailoring and alterations specialist if you’re falling apart at the seams, doesn’t it.

Unless YOU are the perfect person to do the alterations on yours and others’ clothing.

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