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List of Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices with Health Benefits. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that means knowledge of life.

List of Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices with Health Benefits

It is known as the alternative traditional system of medicine and has originated in India more than 3000 years ago. Ayurveda has always been one of the best ways to cure diseases. And when it comes to Ayurvedic Herbs and Species, they offer you a variety of health benefits and will help in improving digestion with mental health. And if you are born in an Indian Family, then most of them are already available in your kitchen.

जानिए लौकी खाने के कुछ अद्भुत फायदे TIPS TO SLEEP WELL IN NIGHT. A good night's sleep is as important as a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.


Researches have shown that those who take good night's sleep are healthy both physically and mentally. Conversely, if you are not sleeping properly, there are increased risks of obesity and other chronic diseases. WHY DRINKING BAEL PATHAR JUICE CAN BE BENEFICIAL FOR HEALTH IN SUMMERS? Mostly planted around temples, Bael or Bilwa is believed to be a vital tree in Indian culture.


The fruit is hard and woody, with sweet flesh inside. Bail is mixed with desserts or beverages and is highly popular in the Summer season. TIPS TO MAINTAIN & STRENGTHEN BONES TO PREVENT OSTEOPOROSIS. TIPS TO MAINTAIN & STRENGTHEN BONES TO PREVENT OSTEOPOROSIS. Bones give our bodies a structure and are responsible for protecting our internal organs.


Many people believe that bone health is crucial only in childhood, though the perception is completely false. Bone health is as much important for an adult, as for a child. Statistics show that almost 55 percent of people above the age of 50 suffer from Osteoporosis in India. Ayurveda says, there are seven types of Dhatus in the body. Asthidhatu, the fifth dhatu, gives a solid structure to the body. FOODS THAT ARE HIGH IN FIBRE FOR HEALTHY METABOLISM. FOODS THAT ARE HIGH IN FIBRE FOR HEALTHY METABOLISM. Fibre is an important part of a balanced diet, and it is important for the healthy functioning of the gut.


It is a non-digestible plant-derived carbohydrate. It can further be divided into two parts: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre mixes with water from the food you eat. Insoluble fibre, also known as roughage, helps us in the excretion process. REASONS WHY SURYA NAMASKAR SHOULD BE IN YOUR ROUTINE IN 2021. Surya Namaskar: the one yoga exercise which can benefit you in many ways.


The word Surya indicates 'the Sun' and Namaskar means 'greeting or showing respect'. This yoga exercise includes the sequence of twelve linked asanas which helps in balancing three doshas of your body, i.e, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Practicing Surya Namaskar daily balances life and influences your daily routine in a great way. Whether old or young, these yoga Asanas can be done by anyone under open sky in the morning.

HOW TO DETOX YOUR HOME? Ayurveda says, detoxification is important to evacuate all the impurities and from the body for optimum physical and mental health.


We have often heard that Detoxification is important for the internal cleanliness of our bodies, and overall well-being but we forget to consider our HOMES. The environment where we breathe and sleep should be our priority to keep clean and free from harmful toxins. So, pick up your notepad & pencil and note down ways to detoxify homes completely to stay healthy and vigorous: - 8 Things Which Could Worsen Psoriasis. Psoriasis can be a tough battle and hard to handle.

8 Things Which Could Worsen Psoriasis

Unlike some other common skin conditions, Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. Using general products won’t target the issue. PSORIASIS AND ITS DIFFERENT TYPES. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal skin.


This makes the skin build-up to bumpy red patches appear on the elbow, scalp, knees and lower back. This is a long-lasting, non-contagious autoimmune disease that produces plaques of thickened, scaly skin. IDEAL MORNING ROUTINE AS ADVISED BY AYURVEDA. Ayurveda lays utmost importance on having a healthy morning routine.


A good routine helps in preventing many chronic diseases, aids digestion, and helps in promoting eternal humane qualities such as peace, discipline, longevity, and happiness. Ayurveda recommends the routine below for a healthy and energetic lifestyle. HOW CAN YOU LIVE A SATTVIC LIFESTYLE? As per Ayurveda, there are three Gunas present in all beings: Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva. All three GUNAS are present in variant proportions in all beings and the balance of these three GUNAS is extremely important for better health and happiness.

Human beings are the only creatures with the ability to alter the levels of GUNAS in the bodies. Let’s see what are the characteristics of these GUNAS: - 1. HEALTHY DIET AND OTHER LIFESTYLE CHANGES YOU SHOULD MAKE IN PSORIASIS. Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells build up and forms itchy dry patches on the skin. These red patches join together and cover the large area of the body. Though, they can grow anywhere but in most cases appear on the elbow, knees, scalp and lower back. The spots can come and go over a few days to over a month. Psoriasis is believed to be caused due to the reduction in all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. But mainly because of Vata and Kapha. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES AND SYMPTOMS OF PSORIASIS?

Psoriasis is thought to be an immune system problem. It is a chronic skin disease that causes red scaly patches, most commonly on elbow, knees, and scalp. Sometimes, these patches can crack or bleed. Rash on the skin is the most common symptom. Psoriasis starts affecting small parts of the body but slowly spreads over other parts. HEALTH BENEFITS OF INDIAN PICKLE (ACHAAR) What’s that one food item that never changes across India? Though India is a vast country where language, food, and tradition change after every 100 KM but that one food item remains on a plate (only its type changes). Still not get it? It’s our delicious Achaar or Indian Pickle. The Health Benefits of Giloy. Are you searching for herbs to treat most of your health problems? Try Giloy! It offers many benefits and is definitely something to add to your lifestyle. Giloy is one of the most important herbs present in Ayurveda. Also known as Tinospora in India and in Hindi as (Giloya / Guduchi). Guilloy is often called Amrutha, nectar in India.

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