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NEWS: PRESS RELEASE - 2600 MAGAZINE CONDEMNS DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS. PRESS RELEASE - 2600 MAGAZINE CONDEMNS DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS Posted 10 Dec 2010 04:45:38 UTC New York, NY, December 10, 2010 - 2600 Magazine, a quarterly journal for the hacker community that has published since 1984, is speaking out against numerous media reports that hackers are responsible for a spate of attacks on numerous e-commerce corporations as part of the ongoing Wikileaks controversy.


Denial of service attacks against PayPal, Amazon, Visa, Mastercard, and other corporations and entities have been underway for the last few days, as widely reported in the mainstream media. Each of these targets had previously taken some sort of action against the whistleblower website and its affiliates. The media reports almost invariably refer to "hackers" as being behind these actions. While there is great sympathy in the hacker world for what Wikileaks is doing, this type of activity is no better than the strong-arm tactics we are fighting against. Wikileaks again: WikiLeaks is a legal innovation, not a tech one.

From Indymedia to Wikileaks » Article », Digital Journalism. From Indymedia to Wikileaks: What a decade of hacking journalistic culture says about the future of news The first time I ever heard the words “mirror website,” I was sitting at a debris-strewn desk, hunched over a desktop computer, on the second floor of a nondescript office building on East 29th in Manhattan.

From Indymedia to Wikileaks » Article », Digital Journalism

I’d recently started volunteering with the New York City Independent Media Center, an organization that would turn out to be one of the first “citizen journalism” organizations in the United States — though certainly no one would have called it that at the time. The IMC was in its third day of participant-powered coverage of protest actions taken against World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings in New York. It was less than five months after September 11; the city was cold and bleak, and people were tense. Really tense. “It’s going to crash,” I muttered. The Internet-powered introduction of new “objects” into the journalistic bloodstream The long rise of the news geeks. Et si Wikileaks ouvrait l'ère des Zones Autonomes Permanentes d'Information ?

Julian Assange n'est sans doute pas le Messie que tous les contestataires de l'AlterNet attendaient.

Et si Wikileaks ouvrait l'ère des Zones Autonomes Permanentes d'Information ?

Et Wikileaks n'est peut-être pas cette "Agence de renseignement du peuple" idyllique rêvée par son mystérieux et très warholien fondateur.Mais il est peut-être de ces hommes rares qui accidentent l'Histoire et changent son cours en agissant comme un agent du Chaos créateur d'une réalité inenvisageable jusque-là: j'ai nommé les fameuses "Zones d'Autonomie Temporaire" (TAZ en VO abrégée) théorisées dès 1985 par le penseur cyberpunk, philosophe, poète et piratologue Hakim Bey dans "TAZ", un ouvrage évidemment libre de droit sur Internet et régulièrement actualisé depuis .