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Style Tiles. Neste Oil bryter löftet - vill stänga Greenpeace sajt| Binero blogg. InShare1 När Greenpeace gjorde om sin sajt så att det tydligt framgick att det var fråga om en parodi (vilket vi skrivit om här), lovade Neste Oils chefsjurist i finsk IT-press att man inte skulle fortsätta försöka få sidan stängd. Anledningen var att den nu inte längre kunde misstas för att komma från Neste Oil. Detta har visat sig inte stämma. Via WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) driver det finska statliga bolaget Neste Oil ett utvidgat fall som även omfattar den nya sidan Nestespoilreturns. Trots att man lovat att inte göra det. Greenpeace startade sajten för att protestera mot miljökonsekvenserna av Neste Oils framställning av diesel från palmolja.

Efter en tid ändrade Greenpeace sajten, till den version ni kan se här ovan. Samtidigt har Neste Oil drivit frågan i WIPO i en klagan som också inbegriper den nuvarande sajten skriver om ämnet idag, vilket du kan läsa här. Vad tycker du? Mattias @ Via Appia. Facebook Now Lets You Turn Your Profile Into a Business Page. Facebook just introduced a subtle tweak to its user experience: Personal profiles can now be quickly and efficiently converted to business Pages, turning your friends into fans.

Facebook is realizing, it seems, that a good way to future profits is to court industry partners. With the launch of a new migration tool, Facebook is letting single users around the world create a more business-centric, limited form of Facebook entry that allows business to have thousands of "fans" rather than acting as an interactive friend resource. There's an extensive help center and FAQ page for people considering the act to download and save data from their existing profile (because once converted, there's no way back...and a Page has a more limited searchability and utility than a Profile). Why would people want to use the tool, though? Foursquare. Webbdagarna.

Aldre_svenskar_och_internet_2010. Network Effects and Pricing Models in the Social Enterprise - ReadWriteCloud. Like any other social network, the value of an enterprise social network is tied to the number of active users. In general, the more users the more value - more knowledge shared, more questions answered and more connections made. In this case, does the per-user pricing model of many enterprise social software tools make sense? Enterprise microblogging provider Socialcast doesn't think so, and today the company announced a new pricing plan to deal with that fact. "Our most successful deployments are those that are enterprise-wide and boasting the largest, most comprehensive internal networks," Socialcast CEO Tim Young writes.

"As more people join the network, greater value is created - with every new member that joins comes another potential answer, knowledge source, and idea. " Socialcast will now offer an enterprise-wide license that will let organizations pay a single annual fee for the product without worrying about how many users are being added. Socialcast was founded in 2005. Dag 9 – en låt jag kan dansa till, lite MJ och torso. Stockholm Waterfront - ert nätverk suger! Nu får det vara nog.

Framöver kommer jag att aktivt hänga ut alla konferensanläggningar som inte kan leverera ett fungerande nätverk. Stockholm Waterfront, ni har grymt läckra lokaler och arrangemanget som Internetworld fixat är magiskt. #webbdagarna rockar. Men det är inte ok att nätverket på fina Stockholm Waterfront inte fungerar. Det var kass under #ssmx och jag vet att ni fick mycket kritik för det då. Nu hade arrangörerna fått löften om att ni hade fixat det. Ändå är det fortfarande kass. Så sluta snacka slogans som ”a venue where everything is possible” och se till att börja leverera istället.

Fotnot, Stockholm Waterfront är inte alls ensamma – trasigt wifi är ett återkommande tema. Uppdatering: @Tbjorkegren påminner om att det var kris under S-kongressen också. The consumer decision journey - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing - Strategy. If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their decisions. That’s why consumer electronics companies make sure not only that customers see their televisions in stores but also that those televisions display vivid high-definition pictures.

It’s why, a decade ago, began offering targeted product recommendations to consumers already logged in and ready to buy. And it explains P&G’s decision, long ago, to produce radio and then TV programs to reach the audiences most likely to buy its products—hence, the term “soap opera.” Marketing has always sought those moments, or touch points, when consumers are open to influence. Interactive Exhibit 1 In the traditional funnel metaphor, consumers start with a set of potential brands and methodically reduce that number to make a purchase. Enlarge We developed this approach by examining the purchase decisions of almost 20,000 consumers across five industries and three continents. Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3. #webbdagarna. Mina torkade tranbär är tydligen bara 26 procent tranbär. I'm confused. Vad hette landet så du? Brunsås?

Foursquare. America's 'panic button' to wipe phones of democracy activists, perturb repressive governments. Foursquare. Maja Larsson | bilder, visuell kommunikation, skrivande, kommunikation, sociala medier.


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