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Facebook Twitter - The home of Nick Harbour's tools and techniques. Tech_support_cheat_sheet.png (732×823) IIS Compression in IIS6.0 - Scott Forsyth's Blog. Hold on to your hats folks. If you don't have compression installed on your web server, either IIS Compression or a 3rd party, and you have IIS6.0 and pay for bandwidth you're missing out on something good. In the day of IIS5 and earlier the compression built into IIS had various issues and was really not worth implementing. To enable compression you would need to go with a 3rd party solution like or This has all changed in IIS6! First, for those unfamiliar with what IIS6.0 is and how to get it: IIS6.0, short for Internet Information Services 6.0, is the web software that comes with Windows Server 2003.

One of the issues still there today with compression in IIS is that there isn't a nice interface to manage it. To make it easier I'll include everything needed to properly enable IIS Compression below even though I'll repeat what Brad Wilson said. First, before anything else, backup the metabase. Create Compression Folder (optional) Successful Strategies for Commenting Code. Introduction Commenting your code is like cleaning your bathroom—you never want to do it, but it really does create a more pleasant experience for you and your guests. Because I’ve recently adopted a new mantra to use comments frequently and appropriately in my code, I spent a few hours researching the literature on commenting readability, reusability, and guidelines. It was a bit overwhelming to see the sheer amount of information and discussions on the topic. Basically, there are a lot of tough, but fundamental questions out there like what does “frequently and appropriately” mean?

Because there are a million different beliefs and contradictions on the subject, I created this brief overview to present my findings. Types of Comments Code Commenting - This refers to writing descriptive variable names that are self explanatory. Function addUserToDatabase(userName, userAge) Without any additional information, you can tell that the function will add a user’s name and age to a database. Less Than Dot - Launchpad - Less Than Dot. How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps | Agile Software Develop.