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StyleCop for ReSharper. Markdownsharp - Project Hosting on Google Code. Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow. This port is based heavily on the original Perl 1.0.1 and Perl 1.0.2b8 implementations of Markdown, with bits and pieces of the apparently much better maintained PHP Markdown folded into it. There are a few Stack Overflow specific modifications (which are all configurable, and all off by default). I'd like to ensure that this version stays within shouting distance of the Markdown "specification", such as it is...

You'll need to know: C# Regular Expressions (I mean really freaking know them -- the original Markdown implementation was in Perl. If you'd like to contribute file issues and attach *.patch files of proposed fixes. Please note that as of January 8, 2011 MarkdownSharp uses Mercurial for version control; the old Subversion repository will not be updated anymore. Tests I pulled in the MDTest 1.1 test suite, along with some very rudimentary unit tests of my own.

Benchmarks Markdown.NET MarkdownSharp v1.12.

Reflection & IL

Download details: Managed Stack Explorer. C# Fun With .NET Regex Balancing Groups. Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008 • Related • Filed Under The .NET Framework's regular expression package includes a unique feature called balancing groups, which is a misnomer since although they can indeed be used to match balanced constructs, that's not all they're good for and really has nothing to do with how they work. Unfortunately, balancing groups are quite poorly documented. Following is a brief description of their functionality, but this post will mostly focus on examples of using them in interesting ways. Note: If you're reading this in a feed reader or aggregator, see the original post, which uses regex syntax highlighting to hopefully make things easier to follow. (? <Name1>…) — A standard named capturing group. The captured value is pushed on the Name1 CaptureCollection or stack. (?

I'm not a .NET coder, but I recognize the potential of this functionality. First, here's a simple example of using balancing groups outside the context of recursion and nested constructs. ^(? (? ^(? (? Math.NET Numerics. The Wayward WebLog : LINQ: Building an IQueryable provider serie. Moq - Project Hosting on Google Code.


Welcome to SaaSGrid. Documentation. CLR Hosting - part 3 (memory management) Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:54 AM bart Introduction A first specific aspect of CLR Hosting I want to cover in this blog post series is the memory management part of the CLR Hosting APIs. It all started some years ago when the SQL Server team started to look at the possibilities to integrate the CLR into the SQL Server database engine to give developers the opportunity to use their knowledge of managed code development to extend the functionality of the database, by writing things such as stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions, user defined types in their favorite languages. One of the reasons of considering this integration was undoubtly the gain of developer productivity and the possibility to integrate database development tighter with the Visual Studio IDE tools, but also the characteristics of the CLR and the .NET Framework as such have played an important role in this decision.

Case study: How SQL Server manages memory Controlling Virtual Memory Heap management File mapping. Diagrams. Source Checkout - unconstrained-melody - Project Hosting on Goog. BlogEngine.NET | An open source ASP.NET 2.0 powered blogging eng.