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Aviv Digital

Aviv Digital is an exclusive digital marketing training institute in Kerala. Aviv Digital is the first of its kind in India to offer A to Z Digital Marketing courses with certifications recognized across the globe. Our courses are extremely helpful for students and as well as entrepreneurs who want to mark their on name in the industry. Our courses include SEO training, SMM, SEM, etc. Aviv Digital offers you the advantage of specialized digital marketing training with practical and theoretical sessions with live projects and updated-syllabus for fresher, aspiring entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and all. Apart from these, there are also workshops and seminars conducted in various location in Kerala based on the fundamentals and latest trends in Digital Marketing. For more information on digital marketing courses and other related queries, dial +91 8157998844 or drop us a mail at Visit

10 Ways to Build Links with Content Marketing. Content marketing currently falls under the category of effective techniques for increasing business websites’ traffic, revenues, and sales.

10 Ways to Build Links with Content Marketing

With top-notch marketing content and appropriate backlinks, you remain in a better position of enjoying outstanding benefits from your business website. However, curating plain text with excellent language is not the only thing needed to engage your existing audience or attract new ones. Getting ranked on the search engines’ first pages is the primary goal for writing top-notch content with backlinks. With this goal, users will likely find your website whenever they search a relative keyword on the browser. This feature will generate more leads because around 60% of users click the first pages’ links. What are the Career Options for Commerce Students After 12th. Last updated on December 31st, 2020 at 01:53 pm Students are often worried about their career options if they choose a non-science stream for their 12th.

What are the Career Options for Commerce Students After 12th

While some are very sure about what they want to do, some students opt for commerce after their 10th standard Board exams simply because they don’t want, or don’t think they can cope with Maths and science. It is only understandable that students are worried about their career path – sometimes, it’s the parents who are more worried. Let’s take a look at the most common questions asked by students and their parents, and at the solutions available. What are the Career Options After 12th Commerce? How to Prevent Identity Theft? Gone are the moments when you would hear screams in a town metro from someone who had been robbed their wallets.

How to Prevent Identity Theft?

Today, we are facing a serious technology-based felony including internet identity theft. In the twenty-first century, the eruption of cool digital systems is enabling easy access to leisure content, information, global news, and health tips among others. Nevertheless, the cyber gateway poses another risk of our details getting known by the wrong people, and later being robbed. Online identity theft is affecting millions of people across the globe annually and happens when cyber-attackers steal one’s identity – by accessing their private identifiable details – in a bid to commit criminal activity.

Online identity theft occurs in numerous ways by either planting infectious malware on to victim’s computer – compared to the primitive ways, like stealing someone’s wallet. Identity thieves apply numerous high-tech ways to steal one’s personal information. What is Digital Piracy? Digital piracy!

What is Digital Piracy?

Tips to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is the flow and extension of online ecommerce.

Tips to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in Digital Marketing

However, the way it works has opened much more room for new security threats. Cybersecurity in the age of digital transformation has the ability to ruin your business’s marketing efforts. In fact, the world loses a staggering $6 trillion to cybercrime damages annually. Every online enterprise has to contend with the possibility of a security breach. 8 Benefits of Blogging For Business and Marketing 2020. Last updated on September 29th, 2020 at 08:27 am Every business that is serious about staying ahead of its competition today carries out digital marketing activities – this includes content marketing, email marketing, online ads, and social media marketing, among other things.

8 Benefits of Blogging For Business and Marketing 2020

Content marketing comprises both video and blogs, and they feature prominently in the search results of Google, Bing, etc. Before we understand the benefits of blogging for business, let us first understand why search engines love blogs – and what kind of blogs they love. Search engines – we’ll talk about Google as it’s the most popular search engine.

Google loves to serve its users with the most useful, relevant, and freshest content; this content is found in the most recent blogs. 10 Most Profitable Blog Niches That Make Money in 2020. Blogging is a fascinating aspect that has raised millionaires and billionaires all over the world.

10 Most Profitable Blog Niches That Make Money in 2020

The financial Samurai Reports indicate that blogging can earn you at least $ 10,000 per month, as long as you do it right. Doing it right means that you identify your audience, write for your audience, and write on the topics that drive a lot of traffic; traffic translates to income. It is achieved by writing on catchy topics while integrating the essential keywords and writing to impress the audience.

How to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in Digital Marketing

Complete Guide on Digital Marketing Salary And Job Opportunities. As we all know that digital marketing is having a wide scope.

Complete Guide on Digital Marketing Salary And Job Opportunities

This is happening mainly because as the promotion and branding are done through digital media it is the fastest and reliable mode of marketing so as to target the mass audience. As we all know that there is tremendous growth within the number of digital marketing institutes and from this, we can come to the conclusion that the digital marketing industry is growing at a higher pace. It has become merit to the students who think this platform is a better option for their future careers in the digital marketing field. Top 30 Digital Marketing Agencies in India. I’m sure that you have a Facebook fan page for your business, whether you are a large multinational company or small business.

Top 30 Digital Marketing Agencies in India

I advise you to get one right away if you don’t already have one, because it can do your company marvels. Why a Facebook fan page, today most businesses have a social presence as well as blogs too because the world is Digital and you must learn traditional Marketing methods if you want to remain ahead of it. The best thing you can do to reach the crowd, you never knew, is to accept digital marketing for your business. Best Digital Marketing Companies in India Let’s discuss the best Digital Marketing agencies/companies in India.

Best Digital Marketing Course with Placement in Kerala. What is Digital Marketing?

Best Digital Marketing Course with Placement in Kerala

Digital marketing includes all marketing attempts using the Internet or an electronic device. Businesses use digital marketing to communicate with present and future clients, such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites. Many Institutions are providing Digital Marketing training courses with placement here in Calicut on the following Digital Marketing Topics. Page Speed SEO: How Loading Time Impact Keyword Ranking. Landing Page Optimization: 9 Smart SEO Tips to Follow in 2019. So, you’ve been trying to optimize your content through the target keywords and other SEO tactics. Increase of organic traffic is one of the main reasons which will boost your rankings. It’s been a while and yet you have not got the desired results. What could be the reason? Could it be because you are targeting the wrong page? Not getting the desired results can be a problem linked to reduced conversations, increased bounce rate, and reduced CTR. In this article, I’ve made a checklist of all the popular and effective landing page optimization SEO tips that can get your website the desired results.

Search Engine Keyword Optimization. Top 12 Tips on How to do YouTube Marketing. Video content is the key to effective marketing in 2018. Also, if there is a home for online video, it is the YouTube for marketers. Simply consider these ongoing details like 8 out of 10 online individuals watches YouTube recordings, the add up length of YouTube every month is presently 3.25 billion hours and YouTube is the second biggest online searching platform.

Tips On How SSL Certificate Affect Search Engine Ranking. When you rank on search engines, especially if it is on Google, the overall security for your site matters a lot, which is incredibly important for your business and also the same goes for everything else as well. As a default, all communication between the webmasters or web servers and client takes place over a clear text connection that leads to exposure of the data in the communication open for hackers thus making communication vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As a solution, you could prevent and secure information through SSL certificate, which stands for Secure Socket Layer. This type of security is mandatory for sites that particularly collect financial information, such as bank account and credit card numbers. In addition to securing critical, valid data and communication between the client and the web server, SSL also confirms the identity of the web server to the client systems.

How To Optimise Negative Keywords In Adwords. The term negative keyword in AdWords is quite ambiguous and can be quite tricky to understand. However, it is one of the most important and powerful aspects of Google AdWords, through which you will be able to eliminate all the negative traffic that are not prospective customers or buyers of your product. You can lower your ad campaign costs with this amazing feature and it will help you to boost your income and profit through PPC. About Negative Keywords: Before you delve deep into knowing about what negative keywords in AdWords are, you need to look into how keywords work.

The searcher will type in some words, phrases or keys related to the product or information that he or she is looking for. How can you boost your Digital Marketing Career.