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Triple Color Photography. In the late 19th - early 20th century photographers in a number of countries used triple color technique for capturing color images. A camera registered on a single glass plate three sepatate black and white frames taken through the blue, green and red filters. Normally such negatives contain images of very high resolution. Unfortunately a very small portion of these historic negatives has survived. Those that did survive are preserved as triple black and white glass plates, and until recently few of them have been reconstucted and used in color.

The goal of this WWW site is to promote and facilitate access of the research community and the general public to this spectacular visual image of our civilization 100 years ago. В конце XIX-го - начале.XX-го веков фотографы ряда стран использовали для получения цветных изображений технику тройной фотографии. Как правило эти негативы дают изображения очень высокого разрешения.

К сожалению, очень малая доля этих исторических негативов сохранилась. Прокудин-Горский, Сергей Михайлович — ФотоЭнциклопедия.рф. Материал из ФотоЭнциклопедия.рф Серге́й Миха́йлович Проку́дин-Го́рский (18 (31) августа 1863, Фуникова Гора, Покровский уезд, Владимирская губерния, Российская империя — 27 сентября 1944, Париж, Франция) — русский фотограф, химик (ученик Менделеева), изобретатель, издатель, педагог и общественный деятель, член Императорского Русского географического и Императорского Русского технического обществ. Внёс значительный вклад в развитие фотографии и кинематографии. Пионер цветной фотографии в России, создатель «Коллекции достопримечательностей Российской империи». Биография Сергей Михайлович Прокудин-Горский родился 18/31 августа 1863 года в родовом имении Прокудиных-Горских Фуникова Гора в Покровском уезде Владимирской губернии [1][2]. Вернувшись в Россию в середине 1890-х годов, женился на Анне Александровне Лавровой (1870—1937) — дочери русского металловеда и директора товарищества гатчинских колокольных, медеплавильных и сталелитейных заводов Лаврова.

Цветные фотографии С.М.Прокудина-Горского. Research Project “The Legacy of S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky” The beginning of the 20th century was marked by amazing scientific discoveries and inventions, many of which were decades ahead of their time. Among them was color photography utilizing the method of color separation, technically very complex, but yielding images of remarkably high quality.

In 1903, one of the pioneers of this method and the first color photographer in Russia was Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky (1863-1944), a representative of an ancient noble family from the Vladimir region. This man has devoted all his scientific talent and tireless, enthusiastic energy of the to one ambitious target: capturing "in natural colors" the full extent and richness of a great country called the Russian Empire.

The purpose of this site is to research and promote the legacy of S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky. Prokudin-Gorskii Images. The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreated: The Empire That Was Russia | Exhibitions. Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky (Prokudin-Gorskii) It was an honor for us to invite the following important guests to the opening of our exhibition on 28 th February, 2006: The technique of three-color photography was historically the first practical method to capture color photographic images. It was first used for practical photography by Louis Ducos du Hauron (1837–1920) who patented his technique in 1868 in France.

The idea proposed and tested earlier by James Clark Maxwell was to make three separate black and white negatives through three colored filters. The result was a triple black and white imagecalled color separations. Ducos du Hauron made his first color separations on three separate sheets of paper. The sensitivity of emulsion to the red part of the spectrum was so low that he had to expose the scene through the red (or rather orange) filter for hours. Prokudin-Gorsky emigrated from Russia in 1918 and later his family was able to bring the major part of the collection of glass negatives to France. Dear Lev Nikolaevich, 1880s.