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10 Top Twitter Tools Suggested By the Pros. Yes, there are a ton of great Twitter Tools out there for you, but which ones should you pick?

10 Top Twitter Tools Suggested By the Pros

I thought one of the best ways to narrow your choice down is to get in touch with the real Social Media experts. I sent them an email and asked them about their recommended Tools for you. So here are the top 10 responses from the Twitter Pros out there. I hope some of these tools will be useful for you too: Mari Smith's Top Tool: ManageFlitter Mari Smith is a one of the top Social Media speakers out there and she mentioned to me that “Manageflitter has a beautiful interface and is a terrific tool for managing your followers and following.” With this tool you can clean up and manage whom you are following within just a few clicks. Jay Baer's Top Tool: Buffer Jay Baer is one of the smartest Social Media and content marketing minds I have ever met and ranked in the #3 in the world for it. With Buffer you can post Tweets in a more efficient way. Aaron Lee's Top Tool: CoTweet. Startup Marketing: Tactical Tips From The Trenches.


Getting First 1000 Users is Easy [Part II] This is the second part of a three part series. Click here for first part Find the audience and pitch Build Twitter network: Find high-impact twitter users in your industry. Start following and forging relationships with them. Start building your twitter network. Subscribe to the Linkedin Answers category: Subscribe to Linkedin Answers categories that best fit your area of interest. Find the bloggers: Find and connect with bloggers that are writing about your topic area. Once you establish certain relationship, share interesting facts, stories about your ‘coming soon’ product. Be persistent when emailing back and forth, and don’t be afraid to follow up, because it’s easy for influential people to get lost in an over loaded inbox.

By now you should have got decent number of users on your ‘coming soon’ and social network pages; and they should very clearly know what problem area you are trying to resolve. Build audience Where to guest post? What to post? How frequent should the posts be? Elements Of A Viral Launch Page. Advertisement Google+, Hipster, and Instagram!

Elements Of A Viral Launch Page

They all hit a gazillion users in no time at all — and you can even read all about it in everyday media today. This is every product creator’s dream. Ok, granted, Google already had their users well before the launch of its social extension. But how did the other ones succeed in building such a strong fellowship in a few months (or even days)? Turns out that many of these services’ creators were very busy bees and made small details about their product’s launch addictive. In this article, we’ll outline some best practices and examples of successful viral launch pages. Fundamentals Of The Viral Launch Or Landing Page The first rule of viral is of course that you must build something that other people would actually be interested in for one reason or another.

Normally, you’ll want to (1) let visitors know what you’re doing, and then (2) spark some interest. Here are the basic elements a launch page should have: Adding a Viral Loop.