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Blogging Ideas

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Can-i-really-make-a-living-by-blogging-1537783554?utm_content=buffer14325&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. Job Seekers: To Blog or Use This Easy Hack? Why? Learning blogging software takes time, trial, and error.It demonstrates your writing skills — for better or worse.It requires some graphic design ability.You have to entice traffic, otherwise you’re talking to yourself.Unless it’s on the critical path of getting you in front of hiring managers, your time might be better applied to finding target companies, identifying hiring managers, and getting your smiling face into their offices. Besides there’s a simpler way, with better odds, to get hiring managers to see your thoughts, face, and name in print than going to the effort of starting your own blog.

You’ve heard of OPM — other people’s money? Well, we’re gonna talk about OPB — other people’s blogs. Oh, so you should do some guest blogging? Here’s what you do: Figure out your Ideal Hiring Manager’s most likely on-line reading list.Subscribe to those sites using Hah! And there’s a great upside to this hack. Job Seekers: To Blog or Not to Blog? Why? Learning blogging software takes time, trial, and error.It demonstrates your writing skills — for better or worse.It requires some graphic design ability.You have to entice traffic, otherwise you’re talking to yourself.Unless it’s on the critical path of getting you in front of hiring managers, your time might be better applied to finding target companies, identifying hiring managers, and getting your smiling face into their offices.

Besides there’s a simpler way, with better odds, to get hiring managers to see your thoughts, face, and name in print than going to the effort of starting your own blog. You’ve heard of OPM — other people’s money? Well, we’re gonna talk about OPB — other people’s blogs. What on-line media do people in your field and industry read? That’s where you want to be. Oh, so you should do some guest blogging? Here’s what you do: Figure out your Ideal Hiring Manager’s most likely on-line reading list.Subscribe to those sites using Hah! As a business owner and entrepreneur you have learned the lessons and developed expertise that has made you successful.

That expertise has value for your peers. Sharing your knowledge and passion can position you as a thought leader in your industry and create opportunities and win and secure new clients. This expertise can also be turned into content that can create a new and additional revenue stream that can be extremely lucrative. A lot of companies “don’t get” corporate blogging and the value of content and those that do have found the benefits to far outweigh the investment.

One company that does get it is a software company 37signals who took its own experiences as a web startup and published them on their corporate blog and monetized that over 2 years into a $750,000 revenue stream by publishing and then repackaging it. How did they do it? Step One: They post articles which generate traffic. Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: So if you add this all up: Image by thinkpanama 183inShare. The Seven Principles You Need to Know to Build a Great Social Product. Social products are an interesting bird. For even the most experienced product designer, social products prove an elusive lover. While there are many obvious truths in social products, there are also alot of ways to design them poorly. Especially when you are deep in the moment making pixel-level decisions trying to remember what’s important, things may not be so clear. The only magic I’ve found in designing compelling social products that have the best shot at breaking through the noise and capturing people’s time and money is in being extremely clear on how your social product meets a few key design principles. 1.

Design your product to matter in a world of infinite supply. In 2010, people are inundated with an overwhelming number of people, applications, requests, alerts, relationships, and demands on their time. This isn’t touchy feely stuff. 2. It’s not always obvious upfront what should be your best in the world focus and enshrining the wrong thing can be a problem. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How To Use the “Seven Deadly Sins” to Turn Visitors into Customers - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement Since the beginning of time, people have exploited the human desire to sin so that they could achieve their goals. Finding out what causes people to sin helps us understand the triggers which prompt people to take an action. The Web has made it even easier to exploit these tendencies to sin, in order to build user engagement and excitement about your service or product.

In this article we’ll show examples of how successful companies exploit the tendency to conduct all the famous Seven Deadly Sins, and in turn generate momentum with their website visitors. Sin #1: Pride Pride is defined as having an excessively high opinion of oneself. People want to say: “Yes, Fortune 500 companies use this tool and I use it as well,” or “Yes, I got on the homepage of Dribbble in front of thousands of other designers; that’s the type of work I do.” Showing off your customers. Full Interactive View | Summary viewFronting up the top users. Full Interactive View | Summary view Sin #2: Gluttony. How to Recycle Your Existing Content? Every Internet marketer knows about the importance of creating content. Whether it’s creating content for their blog, or creating content in the form of articles to submit to article directories, or creating content by writing guest posts on other people’s blogs in the same marketplace – it’s all about creating content. You’ve most likely even heard of the phrase “Content Is King”.

It’s common to see or hear people in forums talking about writing 5 articles daily and submitting them article directories to gain backlinks and exposure. While that is easy to say (in terms of theory), the reality is that NOT everyone has the time to write 5 articles per day, and NOT everyone likes to write articles. I’m one of them. It takes time and effort to create content. Instead of creating NEW content all the time, there is another SMARTER way – which is to recycle or repurpose EXISTING content so that you can SKIP the research and thoughts/ideas process that are involved in creating new content. How To Keep People Glued To Your Content. As I was looking over Clay Collins’ second pre-launch video last night, it struck me that he used a really effective means of storytelling that was almost guaranteed to keep viewers glued to the screen for the entire video (and it’s a strategy I’ll be using in my first video for the 2010 More Buyers Mastermind launch as well).

I want to talk to you about it today because whether you use videos or good-old-text for your sales materials, this lesson will keep readers sticking with you down to the last word if you do it right. And of course, we’re going to talk about how to do it right. First, I said I’d be giving one of my workshops (up to a $247 value) away to one lucky commenter - and that time has come. (Hashim Warren, you’re Tuesday’s winner – congrats. Ok, now on to the learnin’. … to tell them specifically how many “chunks” of information are coming up, and to make those “chunks” clearly separate from one another so they are always aware of how much content remains.

Have at it! Dave. I wrote an article earlier this year on “30 Tips To Make Your Companies Blog Rock” and I had quite a few comments by readers and some added more tips on other keys to making a blog successful. So I have taken their suggestions, added them to the list and provided some more that I have discovered recently.

Blogging is a journey and as technology develops there will be more ways to optimize your blog. You will also find other keys to keep the blog pumping and energised as you mix with other bloggers both online and offline and hear their stories and hints. So here are the original 30 plus 20 more ideas to increase your blogs readership and traffic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Gini Dietrich from contributed to the list with the following eleven additional tips 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. 41. Courtney Wiley of iNgage Networks also made this suggestion 42. 44. 45. 46. 48. 49. 50. 356inShare. How to Get Blog Ideas – A very effective way to conquer blogger’s block!

This is a guest post from Gloson. It is part of The “Bad Ass” SEO Guest Blogging Contest. Most of us have been trapped in blogger’s block before – very determined to write the next high-quality blog post to benefit your beloved readers! Woohoo! So you sit down and your fingers are ready to type! But your problem is now over! Step 1 – Visit other blogs in your niche If your blog is about entrepreneurship, visit other blogs about entrepreneurship, business, marketing, blogging, social media, and those kinds of stuffs. Examples of great blogs on those topics: Chris Brogan, Problogger, Copyblogger, EpicLaunch, Income Diary, and lots more.

Step 2 – Look for list posts Some examples of list posts are ‘10 Ways to Become a Successful Blogger’, ‘50 Ways to Become Super Productive’, ‘12 Ways to Maximize Your Influence on Twitter’, and other posts like those. Step 3 – Read the list posts, and get ideas from the points! Next step is to read the post and get the goodies. 1. 1. So, what ideas can we get? . Google Reader (311)