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″Vómito de baleia″ vale 116 mil euros. Um cidadão inglês teve a grande sorte de encontrar um bocado de "âmbar cinzento" com mais de 2,7 quilos, no valor de 116 mil euros, durante uma visita com o seu cão à praia.

″Vómito de baleia″ vale 116 mil euros

Trata-se de uma substância que é vomitada por baleias e cachalotes e que é muito usada na indústria dos perfumes. Ken Willman, um inglês de Morecambe, uma localidade da costa inglesa no mar da Irlanda, encontrou durante uma visita com o seu cão à praia, um bocado de "âmbar cinzento" de mais de 2,7 quilogramas. Um peso extremamente anormal para uma peça desta substância, que pode agora ser vendida por 116 mil euros, de acordo com uma notícia publicada no site do diário britânico "The Telegraph". 2015 dolphins killing Taiji. The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research. Echolocation is the process of detecting and identifying objects by emitting sounds, such as the broadband clicks used by dolphins, and listening to the echoes returning from objects reflecting those sounds.

The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research

A recent discovery we made is that dolphins appear capable of directly perceiving the shapes of objects through echolocation. Prior to this finding, it had been generally assumed that dolphins learned to identify and recognize objects through echolocation by a process of associative learning-by comparing the echoes returning from targets with the visual appearance of those targets.

Instead, our work has shown that echolocation can yield an immediate perception of the shapes of objects without any intervention by associative learning. We established this finding by asking the dolphin to inspect an object inside of a visually opaque box, using echolocation alone, and then to find a match for that object from among two or more objects inspected through vision alone. Pack, A. Beluga whale 'makes human-like sounds' 22 October 2012Last updated at 12:02 ET Beluga whales are known as "canaries of the sea" because of their frequent, high-pitched calls Researchers in the US have been shocked to discover a beluga whale whose vocalisations were remarkably close to human speech.

Beluga whale 'makes human-like sounds'

While dolphins have been taught to mimic the pattern and durations of sounds in human speech, no animal has spontaneously tried such mimicry. But researchers heard a nine-year-old whale named NOC make sounds octaves below normal, in clipped bursts. The first mystery, though, was figuring out where the sound was coming from. When a diver at the National Marine Mammal Foundation in California surfaced saying, "Who told me to get out? " Cetacean intelligence. Cetacean intelligence refers to the cognitive capabilities of the Cetacea order of mammals, which includes whales, porpoises, and dolphins.

Cetacean intelligence

Bottlenose dolphins can use learned vocal labels to address each other.

Exploração de cetaceos

Projecto Delfim. Untitled - dos_santos_2010_explosions.pdf. Proteger os golfinhos do Sado. Projecto Delfim - Centro Português de Estudo dos Mamíferos Marinhos. Operação em curso para salvar centenas de golfinhos encalhados em Cape Cod. Centenas de golfinhos estão a dar à costa em Cape Cod, perto de Boston, na costa Leste dos Estados Unidos, desde a semana passada.

Operação em curso para salvar centenas de golfinhos encalhados em Cape Cod

Dezenas de peritos e voluntários já conseguiram salvar 300 golfinhos encalhados nas águas da baía de Wellfleet, mas o trabalho ainda não acabou. O arrojamento dos golfinhos na costa a Sul de Boston já dura há sete dias, disse esta manhã ao PÚBLICO o porta-voz do IFAW, Michael Booth, por email. Thinking dolphin: Diana Reiss at TEDxSanJoseCA 2012. February 27th, Slaughter Taiji Japan. Enemies (ABC Animal Training) SeaWorld Orlando. OSHA vs SeaWorld Tweetstorm. FB grupo supporting captivity. Welcome to uShaka Marine World. Aquarium in Taiji. 本日10月4日でスジイルカの「ホーク」が当館にやってきて2年がたちました。

aquarium in Taiji

非常に神経質で飼育が困難とされているスジイルカですが、現在はマリナリュウムでマダライルカとともに元気に暮らしています。 種目の訓練も進み、回転ダンスや握手などができるようになりました。 特に得意なのはジャンプ!! 上にぶつかってしまいそうなくらい高いジャンプができるんですよ! 現在はコーラスの訓練を頑張っています。 そして、健康管理には欠かせない受診動作の訓練も進み、最近では体温測定が安定してできるようになり、先日初めて採血ができました!! 採血結果も問題なし(o^-^o)初めは尾ビレどころか体にさえなかなか触らせてくれなかったのでとても大変だったようです。 マリナリュウムに引越ししてすぐはマダライルカたちから仲間外れにされていましたが、最近はすっかり仲良し♪胸ビレでお互いの体を触ったり、こすり合ったりしている姿はとても微笑ましいですよ。 スジイルカを飼育しているのは世界でくじらの博物館だけ。

ABC Animal Training (enemie) Stock Quote for Blackstone Group LP. Marine Tours Futo. Take Action. Blackfish Official Film Site. The Cove Shines the Light on the Dolphin Killings in Taiji Japan & the Exposes the Problem of Mercury in Seafood. The Story The Cove exposes the slaughter of more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises off the coast of Japan every year, and how their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is sold as food in Japan and other parts of Asia, often labeled as whale meat.

The majority of the world is not aware this is happening. The Solution The focus of the Social Action Campaign for The Cove is to create worldwide awareness of this annual practice as well as the dangers of eating seafood contaminated with mercury, and to pressure those in power to put an end to the slaughter. The Results It’s been working. Learn more about the latest hunting season. But the effort needs to continue. The hunt still goes on. Cove - the movie. Japan Whaling.

Faroe Whaling. • The following tables provide an overview of catches and strandings of different whale species in the Faroe Islands in recent years.

Faroe Whaling

Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans: Whales and Dolphins - Ocean Alliance. Stranding/ Entanglement Networks. Oceancare. Surfers for Cetaceans. Monicet. PETA and cetaceans. © 2014 by J.

PETA and cetaceans

Michael Short Read More Electric Cars Aren’t Enough—Try Vegan for Earth Day Posted on April 22, 2014 | Written by Tracy Reiman With Earth Day here, people are thinking about what they can do to combat climate change and help the environment. Welcome to Ocean Futures Society. Taiji Action Group FB. Save Japan Dolphins. Fungie (Dolphin irlanda) Taiji Action Group (site) By Steven Thompson, TDAG Sept. 2, 2012 I got a telephone call today from a Japanese friend at the Cove today.

Taiji Action Group (site)

Ric O'Barry and I showed the Cove (watch for free) at the home of our mutual friends in Taiji four years ago. We still have security issues for the Japanese. Violence is possible. Town shunning is par for the course. My friend cannot easily contact Sea Shepherd or Save Japan Dolphin activists directly. The message to Cove Guardian, Melissa Sehgal, and Cove Monitor Tim Burns, is that the hunters are upset...he used the phrase "mecha okotteiru" (damn angry).

Tweetstorm. Cove - Sea Shepherds. Save Adriatic Dolphins. Project-News Have You Seen a Dolphin?

save Adriatic Dolphins

Again in 2013, holidaymakers in Croatia are being called on to participate in our project to "Save the Last Adriatic Dolphins" and report every... By force of arms A bottlenose dolphin stood no chance when it came near an armed dolphin hater who downright riddled the dolphin with bullets. The porter of a... Dolphin Reef (Israel)