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Is Cambodia Safe for Women Travellers? It's Actually One of the World's Safer Countries. Camboja. Camboja[5][6][7][8][9][10] ou Cambodja [11][12] (em khmer: កម្ពុជា, translit.: Kampuchea, pronunciado: [kɑmˈpuˈciə]), oficialmente Reino do Camboja (em khmer: ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា, translit.: Preăh Réachéanachâk Kâmpŭchéa), é um Estado soberano localizado na porção sul da península da Indochina, no Sudeste Asiático.


Sua área territorial é de 181 035 km², fazendo deste o 88.º maior do mundo em área. Faz fronteira com a Tailândia a noroeste, com o Laos a nordeste, com o Vietnã a leste e com o Golfo da Tailândia na porção sudoeste. Com uma população estimada em pouco mais de 15 milhões de habitantes, o Camboja é o 68.º país mais populoso do mundo e tem o budismo como religião oficial, praticado por cerca de 95% da população cambojana. Os grupos étnicos minoritários incluem vietnamitas, chineses, chams e outras trinta tribos. Cambodia Travel Guide. Camboja. The dangers of travelling solo as a woman. Hi. i’m glad you put this out there, because cambodia can be an unruly wild west-type place. that said, it’s also breath takingly beautiful and has some really warm people. the history is hugely influential on the people, and the crime, and it is important to understand in order to prevent it from happening again. as a warning, this rambles a bit. i have countless stories of crimes committed on the local expats, and attempted ones.

The dangers of travelling solo as a woman

BE SMART and don’t impair your judgement unless you have someone on watch. MOTORBIKES: -do not drive drunk. lots of [tourist] deaths. everyone thinks it won’t happen to them, but it can. recently, it did to one of the highly-regarded members of the expat community. also, they will take pictures of your body for the news. more on this below. -use a recommended tuktuk instead–from an expat at a local business. they will then have some sort of accountability and will not recommend someone who will scam you, as their business could get a bad review as a result.