Avee Mittal
Marketing specialist with a focus on new channel development, automating sales and marketing workflows, product and marketing analytics to drive growth. This includes developing a cold-email channel, account-based marketing strategy, and assisting in sales pipeline management for all customer segments and channels.
Top 10 Field Service Management Software for Small & Mid Sized Businesses. @aveemittalAvee Mittal Avee is the Product Marketing Manager at FieldCircle, field operations automation and technology consulting company.
No business is untouched today by technology; so is the case with the field service industry. Technology companies have introduced some advanced software solutions that effectively resolve the most simple and complex problems of the field service industry. Most of these problems arise due to manual methods for planning, scheduling, invoicing, inventory management, and payments. Software with sophisticated automation and analytics capabilities can enable the companies to automate their most crucial yet repetitive and error-prone tasks thus leading to increased efficiency, performance, and revenue.
Since every field service management software claims to have unique features and functionality, often it becomes difficult for the companies, especially small and mid-sized businesses to select the right software for their problems. 1. Highlights 2. 3. 4. 5. Top 11 Criteria to Select the Best CRM Software for Your Business. 13 KPIs That Top Field Sales Leaders Follow to Drive Growth. The star performers, the rookies, the efficient but not as effective lot, another that is exactly opposite, and the underperformers—together forms a picture of the sales rep performance profile in any sales team.
No matter how vigilant you are in hiring the best salesman for your team or how extraordinary are your sales leadership skills, creating a picture only with “star performers” is nearly impossible. 7 Customer Experience Strategies to Reduce Churn Rate. No one associated with a business is unaware of the importance of high customer satisfaction levels in reducing churn rate.
As the customer touchpoints are increasing in today’s time, organizations are facing many challenges in connecting all dots and delivering flawless services to customers. Many companies are not yet ready to take on those challenges, as a result, they are losing loyal customers. Why does a company lose a customer? According to a report, 14% customers leave a company when they are dissatisfied with the services and 68% customers look for other options when they believe the company does not care about them. Today, achieving customer satisfaction and assuring customers that your company cares about them demand more exertion and efforts from both employees and the company.
Top 10 Field Service Management Challenges FieldCircle. Top 6 ways to reduce operational cost PDF. Top 10 Field Service Management Challenges and How to Address Them – FieldCircle. At some point in your business, you are bound to face the challenges.
How effectively you turn the challenges into opportunities to create a future that is—“better” determines your success in the market. For instance, if your current challenge is the rising cost of field service delivery, you have the opportunity to optimize the field service process in a way that not only cost is reduced but service quality is also enhanced. Is it possible to take advantage of every field service management challenge? Well, a big yes! SalesTalkies. Field Sales Management Software. FieldCircle is a powerful tool to streamline sales processes.
The software enables the sales professionals to set measurable and realistic targets and close sales in a reasonable time frame. Using this intuitive tool, you can create robust customer profiles, identify their requirements, deliver them exactly what they need at the right time and at a sustainable cost. Field Sales CRM: Innovation with Integration With FieldCircle, salespeople can optimize their schedule, prioritize their task, and attend the needs of key customers instantly. Our CRM solution is powered by innovation and integration that enables sales professionals to segment data and gain valuable insight out of it. Choose Simple Field Sales Mobile App for Business Empowerment FieldCircle is intuitive and incredibly user-friendly.
An Ode to the Silent Worker in Sales and Marketing. Last weekend, I got a call from a co-worker from the marketing team.
A usual call turned into a long conversation and we began discussing how even in such difficult times he managed to achieve his targets. Later while simply lying on the bed, I was re-evaluating what we have discussed and a spider caught my attention, silently weaving a web across the wall in the top right corner. It reminded me of one of the stories I had read during my childhood on how spiders weave without being noticed at all until their “work of art” is visible to the residents. I looked around the wall, and yes, there were spider webs in every corner. When did that happen? Suddenly a stream of thoughts rushed in my mind. Reopening Guide: Managing Worker Safety in COVID-19 Crisis. Businesses around the world are pushing ahead with reopening plans.
Around 20% of the businesses that were closed in April have reopened as the lockdown eases in many states, according to a report published on MarketWatch, a US-based financial information website. Well, seems like businesses are moving over wait-and-see approach, but the grim reality of surge in new coronavirus cases, uncertainty around vaccine, and a constant reminder from the public health institutions that “the worst is yet to come” is enough to instil fear in millions of people who want to return-to-work. Not surprising that a poll conducted by Qualtrics indicated that “two out of three workers do not feel comfortable” returning to the workplace.