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Ava Wilsonn

Hi!!!! I am Ava Wilson an MBA student and also a part time business adviser. I like about Melbourne city is full of art works, road side cafes and pubs, and the night life.

Pride and prejudice: the best books on the refugee experience. The refugee story doesn’t end at asylum and safety, the moment when many readers look away.

Pride and prejudice: the best books on the refugee experience

It is an endless battle with pride, shame, identity and especially language. I can’t imagine a worse way to begin it than as a teenage girl. No memoir captures my own post-asylum years like Eva Hoffman’s 1989 account of adolescence as a clever but foreign girl (a child of Holocaust survivors relocating to Canada) with no money and a heap of desires. Lost in Translation was published the year I arrived in the US from Iran (via Dubai and Italy), in a way similar to Hoffman: a child with no choice, old enough to struggle with English, habits, shame.

I could have used the book then. Every refugee has escaped from something, often unthinkable. JJ Abrams’ Hollywood takeover: will he save or kill cinema? It is JJ Abrams’s multiverse; we just live in it.

JJ Abrams’ Hollywood takeover: will he save or kill cinema?

That’s how it’s starting to feel, at least. The prolific producer-director-writer-geek overlord has had a hand in so many pop-culture properties over the past decade, it feels like he has basically won Hollywood. Star Wars (he’s finishing off Episode IX right now), Star Trek, Mission Impossible – all have benefited from the Abrams touch. Not to mention his zeitgeisty TV series: Lost, Westworld and Alias. Unsurprisingly, everybody wants him. Last week, we found out just how much: Abrams’s company Bad Robot signed a $250m “mega-deal” to produce film, TV and digital content for WarnerMedia.

As we know, Marvel has stolen a march on its comic-book rivals over the past decade with its well-planned and spectacularly successful movie cycle. But how much of the Abrams touch is too much? Abrams could be mindful that his own material has not quite resonated in the same way lately. Television in demand: how streaming giants are snapping up UK talent. If you’d been outside the luxurious Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles in the early hours of Monday 23 September, you’d have seen Phoebe Waller-Bridge reclining in a chair, cigarette in one hand and cocktail in the other, surrounded by her many Emmy awards, enjoying her position in the vanguard of an increasingly dominant British television industry.

Television in demand: how streaming giants are snapping up UK talent

The following day the British television industry lost control of the star they had created. Amazon Video announced they had signed an exclusive three-year deal with Waller-Bridge – speculated to be worth as much as $20m a year – to produce programmes which will launch exclusively on the internet giant’s platform. Josh Cole (@JoshCole8)All hail the queen 👑 #Fleabag #Emmys2019 23, 2019 There is a nationwide shortage of British studio space and support staff, as companies flock to the UK to take advantage of local talent and favourable tax incentives.

'Western society has little space for ecstasy': back to Berlin's 90s club scene. When Gisèle Vienne was growing up in Grenoble, France, her artist mother used to say, “paintings are cheaper than wallpaper”.

'Western society has little space for ecstasy': back to Berlin's 90s club scene

So that’s exactly what they had, all over their walls. Vienne’s mum is Dorli Vienne-Pollak (a former student of Oskar Kokoschka), who made “pretty crazy, transgressive works” inspired by everything from 80s punks and strip clubs to fantasy battle scenes. It must have been quite an eyeful for a child. Today, Vienne’s Paris home is completely white. It’s a small rebellion against her upbringing, which, balanced with the influence of her “overeducated French intellectual” father, makes complete sense of the artist Vienne has become. Vienne is not seeking darkness, she says, but stimulation.

Her work is regularly performed in Europe and the US (she collaborates with the American novelist Dennis Cooper), but little seen in the UK, so it’s with some anticipation that her piece Crowd opens London’s Dance Umbrella festival this year. 2019 AFL All-Australian team: Nat Fyfe named as captain ahead of Shannon Hurn – mysticmelbournelife. Fremantle star Nat Fyfe and All-Australian captain has called it “humbling” to be named the skipper of the star-studded side.

2019 AFL All-Australian team: Nat Fyfe named as captain ahead of Shannon Hurn – mysticmelbournelife

Fyfe was somewhat of a surprise choice as skipper, with West Coast Eagles skipper and premiership-winning captain Shannon Hurn named as the vice-captain of the team. Despite being the skipper of Fremantle for the past three seasons, Fyfe admitted that he was still learning about being a leader and admitted he wouldn’t need to guide anyone on this squad. “Incredibly humbling if you look at the class in this team,” Fyfe told Fox Footy.

“I’m still getting a handle on it. In three years as captain (of Fremantle) I’ve become more aware of my shortcomings. “I think I’d be putting myself on the bench to start with, I don’t think they’d need my guidance.” Former North Melbourne premiership player David King was shocked by the selection of Fyfe as captain over Hurn, questioning whether the captain was simply chosen as the league’s best player.