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Science. Technology. News. Having Fun. Writing. Videos. Graphics. What Are The Odds? KONY 2012. Facebook. Wall Photos. Facebook. Wall Photos. The Daily Quote. The Daily’s Revival Guess what?

The Daily Quote

That’s right! The Daily Quote is being revived, along with some other additions. Chopsticks for Quitters Transform Into Knife and Fork. Have trouble with chopsticks?

Chopsticks for Quitters Transform Into Knife and Fork

Then maybe you should learn to use your opposable thumbs, you big ape. Alternatively, try these Fork-Knife chopsticks. Not only do they give dexterously-challenged diners a spring-loaded pair of chopsticks, they also split apart to form a knife and fork when you inevitably give up and start shoveling in the sushi Western-style. Made from plastic, these $10 cutlery sets have rubber sleeves over their shafts so even the slipperiest of fingers can wrangle them.
