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Christian Gonzalez

CHEERS! And delicious waters for all! Me: The concept that anyone could accurately portray a complete snapshot of themselves in such a small box astounds me. On surface level, I laugh at everything, my sense of humour will probably send me to Hell, and I love internet memes. Scrubs and How I Met Your Mother are the best shows ever made. I draw, I play video games, I Minecraft. I'm studying engineering. I've traveled all over the globe and love every square inch of it. I would like to extend the invitation to anyone who actually went through the effort of reading this to talk to me directly. I don't care who you are, or if you're reading this just to creep on me, if you want to get to know me, let's talk. I like meeting new people. =)


Minespiration. Reddit Threads. StumbleUpon. Music. Distractions. Oddly Useful.