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Eyelash Wish Log. Kerning. Internal Monologue. Potential. Jim Gaffigan - Cinnabon - Beyond the Pale. Hello Dominos? North Korea Celebrates As Kim Jong-Un Becomes First Man To Walk On Moon. PYONGYANG—Jubilation sounded far and wide in the North Korean capital today as upwards of 100,000 cheering citizens proudly thronged Kim Il-sung Square to celebrate the historic news that Dear Leader Kim Jong-un had become the first man to walk on the moon, ecstatic North Korean sources reported. North Korean officials confirmed to the cheering multitudes that not only had the country soundly trumped and “obliterated the memory” of South Korea’s recent successful launch of a civilian rocket, but that the unprecedented moon-walking achievement was performed by none other than the supreme leader Kim Jong-un himself in yet another display of his substantial cleverness and strength. “Heroic comrades, we give our imperialist aggressors yet another reason to feel their inferiority as our glorious leader extends our empire to the moon and the stars!”

The rapt crowd then erupted into pandemonium as celebratory rice rations, vitamin packs, and canned water were distributed. What It Looks Like When Siri Doesn't Believe You Could Possibly Have Valentine's Day Plans. What it looks like when Siri doesn't believe you could possibly have Valentine's Day plans. posted 02/14/2014 You might be able to put up a good front for friends and coworkers, but there's no hiding how alone you are from Siri. She knows how quiet your phone has been. She knows your late-night texts never get a response. Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends. Is that supposed to be a heart?

Firefox is having problems with Windows. Sam. Fucking Scorpions. TlmOd. qUFmEqm. Adwz5RO. 1ecF9. NrB7WId. r396dsr. VPn94tC. OrILV. SNL presents DJESUS UNCROSSED. SNL presents DJESUS UNCROSSED. Untitled.