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Regular Expressions to strip HTML tags - It's not an easy job to parse HTML tags of the whole page using regular expressions. But if you are dealing with a part of HTML tags and handle it as a string, the following regular expressions may be of your help. matches specific tag pairs and content between them RegEx Expression: /<\s*h4[^>]*>(.*?) <\s*/\s*h4>/g Testing String <h4 class="sds">And more ... matches all HTML tags pairs including attributes in the tags /<(. <div class="tab0">CSS code formatter</div><div class="tab2">CSS code compressor</div> match all start tags including attributes in the tags /<\s*\w.*? <div class="box">5 px radius of round corner</div><div class="box">7 px radius of round corner</div><div style="color:#6699cc">color</div> /<\s*\/\s*\w\s*.*? <div class="sds">not sure where it can be used</div></br> matches start tag of specific tag including attibutes /<\s*div.*?

<div class="tab1">tabs generator</div> matches close part of specific tag pair /<\s*\/\s*div\s*.*? <div class="sds">javascript + CSS ... /<\s*\/?

Email » Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compared. 20. July 2008, 18:41, by Silvan Mühlemann When displaying an e-mail address on a website you obviously want to obfuscate it to avoid it getting harvested by spammers. But which obfuscation method is the best one? I drove a test to find out. In 2006 I opened nine different e-mail addresses. Then I waited 1.5 years (see the original post). For each e-mail address I counted the amount of spam I received.

The following three methods are absolutely rock-solid and keep your addresses safe from the harvesters. 1. Here’s how you do it: moc.etalllit@7raboofnavlis 2. 3. 4 HTTP Security headers you should always be using | ibuildings. What started as a dream for a worldwide library of sorts, has transformed into not only a global repository of knowledge but also the most popular and widely deployed Application Platform: the World Wide Web.

The poster child for Agile, it was not developed as a whole by a single entity, but rather grew as servers and clients expanded it's capabilities. Standards grew along with them. While growing a solution works very well for discovering what works and what doesn't, it hardly leads to a consistent and easy to apply programming model. This is especially true for security: where ideally the simplest thing that works is also the most secure, it is far too easy to introduce vulnerabilities like XSS, CSRF or Clickjacking. Because HTTP is an extensible protocol browsers have pioneered some useful headers to prevent or increase the difficulty of exploiting these vulnerabilities. 1. What's so good about it?

How would you like to be largely invulnerable to XSS? So specifying the following: 2. Mina. Mina lets you build and run scripts to manage your app deployments on servers via SSH. $ gem install mina $ mina Really bloody fast Mina works really fast because it’s a deploy Bash script generator. It generates an entire procedure as a Bash script and runs it remotely in the server. $ mina deploy --verbose -----> Creating the build path $ mkdir tmp/build-128293482394 -----> Cloning the Git repository $ git clone . -n --recursive Cloning... done. -----> Installing gem dependencies using Bundler $ bundle install --without development:test Using i18n (0.6.0) Using multi_json (1.0.4) ... Compare this to the likes of Vlad or Capistrano, where each command is ran separately on their own SSH sessions. See the deploying guide for more information. Incredibly customizable All your settings are stored in a Ruby file config/deploy.rb. config/deploy.rb In this file, you will define tasks that queue up commands to be ran remotely via SSH.

Mina is built on Rake. Customizing Bootstrap with a build process — Nikhil Dabas. I'm using Bootstrap to power this blog, and I wanted a way to easily customize some of the defaults, but in a way that would allow me to upgrade to future Bootstrap versions easily, while cutting out the parts of the framework that I did not need. This article is about the technique I came up with to achieve that. Specifically, I had three goals in mind: Cleanly remove the un-needed bits from Bootstrap. For example, a blog probably does not need progress bars or modals.Customize the Bootstrap defaults, like the typography, without writing additional CSS to override bootstrap.css.Do all of this without modifying any of the Bootstrap source files.

Instead, create a build process to apply the customizations. Here's a step-by-step guide on how I achieved these goals. Step 1: Get the Bootstrap source Bower is probably the easiest way to get the Bootstrap source code into your project, which will also make updating to future releases easy. Step 2: Include Bootstrap in your own LESS code @import ". How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers. Web browsers are the most widely used software. In this primer, I will explain how they work behind the scenes. We will see what happens when you type in the address bar until you see the Google page on the browser screen. The browsers we will talk about There are five major browsers used on desktop today: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera. On mobile, the main browsers are Android Browser, iPhone, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, UC Browser, the Nokia S40/S60 browsers and Chrome–all of which, except for the Opera browsers, are based on WebKit.

I will give examples from the open source browsers Firefox and Chrome, and Safari (which is partly open source). According to StatCounter statistics (as of June 2013) Chrome, Firefox and Safari make up around 71% of global desktop browser usage. The browser's main functionality The main function of a browser is to present the web resource you choose, by requesting it from the server and displaying it in the browser window. Parallax.js. Stroll.js - CSS3 Scroll Effects. Forms. Default Form To create a default inline form, add the pure-form classname to any <form> element. <form class="pure-form"><fieldset><legend>A compact inline form</legend><input type="email" placeholder="Email"><input type="password" placeholder="Password"><label for="remember"><input id="remember" type="checkbox"> Remember me </label><button type="submit" class="pure-button pure-button-primary">Sign in</button></fieldset></form> Stacked Form To create a stacked form with input elements below the labels, add the pure-form-stacked classname to a <form> element alongside pure-form.

Aligned Form To create an aligned form, add the pure-form-aligned classname to a <form> element alongside pure-form. In an aligned form, the labels are right-aligned against the form input controls, but on smaller screens revert to a stacked form. Multi-Column Form (with Pure Grids) To create multi-column forms, include your form elements within a Pure Grid. Grouped Inputs Input Sizing Required Inputs Disabled Inputs. Easel - Web design in your browser.


Responsive php. Seo. Ie issues. Bento. Css library. Version control - What is the difference between hg forget and hg remove. The Bedford - Dev with Rob. Enigma64 – the fastest way to get images from Photoshop. Beabro. JQuery Corner Demo. It's important to understand that this corner plugin is pulling off its magic by adding more elements to the page. Specifically, it adds div "strips" to the item to be cornered and sets a solid background color on these strips in order to hide the actual corners of the real item. So if you step back and look at the cornered element, think of there being solid colored divs hiding the true squared off corners of the item you wish to be changed.

This helps you understand the inherent limitations of this small plugin. It's best suited for rounding off block-level elements (divs, paragraphs, etc) and may present more challenges when trying to round off inline elements (spans, anchors, etc). Recently I added support for native border-radius rounding in browsers that support it (Opera 10.5+, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome). So in those browsers the plugin simply sets a css property on the element. Auto-Ready! The default pattern is round $(this).corner("wicked"); $(this).corner("sculpt");


Css. CSS Corners, CSS3 Gradient. Faction Photography. Deployment technology. Git. Wordpress. Drupal. Opencart.