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Fortune Global 100 Social Media Study - The Burson-Marsteller Bl. Following in the footsteps of consumers, large international companies are now becoming active participants in social media.

Fortune Global 100 Social Media Study - The Burson-Marsteller Bl

A recent Burson-Marsteller study found that 79 percent of the largest 100 companies in the Global 500 index are using at least one of the most popular social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or corporate blogs. Like the 100 study found, Twitter is the social media platform of choice among the Global 100. The study found that 65 percent of the largest 100 international companies have active accounts on Twitter, 54 percent have a Facebook fan page, 50 percent have a YouTube channel, and one-third (33 percent) have corporate blogs. Only 20 percent of the major international companies are utilizing all four platforms to engage with stakeholders. Companies' platform preferences also differed among regions. OpenSocial - It's Open. It's Social. It's up to you. 2009 edition.

Professional Social Network. Toolbox. Professional environment (KM / Collaborative)