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Super cute. Super cute. I HATE MY PARENTS. I hate my parents by julia segal Next >>> The Daily Bunny. PhiLOLZophy. I’m beginning to feel like the prerequisite for writing an opinion column for LA Times is “be personally offended by something, find a way to make it ‘about’ some over-arching, pervasive sociocultural crisis, and then tell us about it, using other people’s research and writing to justify your hurt feelings.” Just read this piece of garbage (pun intended) and wondering if the editor who published this had anything in mind other than trying to ride the crest of the second wave of the tired-before-it-really-even-began Dynastygate.

Let me summarize this for those of you who don’t feel like wasting the next 90 seconds of your life: the author surmises that America would be far better off if we eliminated what he calls “trailer-trash TV”, a position he feels “uniquely qualified” to hold since he himself has lived in a trailer even though he has never actually watched Duck Dynasty. But let’s follow this logic for a second. What all of this implies, then, is: Mmmkay. Yr wi-fi. For the last year or so, I’ve been posting screenshots of wifi networks that are funny to me for one reason or another, and I’ve posted a lot of good submissions along the way too. I’ve also rejected a lot of submissions, either because I think they’re not quite funny enough, they’re too offensive, or they’re repeats of wifi names that have already been posted. Those rejected submissions have backed up to a point where I think it’s only fair to post them in one big post, separated by categories, so, here you go. Repeats Department (shits already been posted):- Pretty Fly For a Wifi (5 submissions)- FBI Surveillance Van- Wu-Tang LAN Protect Ya Net Department (aka the Paranoids): - No!

You’re not stealing my wifi! Anger Management Department (aka the Paranoids pt 2):- fuck off- Go Fuck Yourself- Up Yours- I WILL FUCK YOU UP- FUCK U DOUG Thanks to everyone who’s been submitting, keep it up! Clients From Hell. 1001 rules for my unborn son. We love stop-motion - The best stopmotion animation. Ca$