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Divadlo na Peróne - :: about us. We are a civil association founded with the aim to support activities of the theatre ON THE PLATFORM which is a professional independent group. It was founded in 2005 as a single scene of its kind in the second biggest city of Slovakia – Kosice. Since the beginning, we have presented ourselves on numerous both domestic and foreign occasions, we have realized projects aimed at students of acting and organized or collaborated on a number of international projects. We focus our work on an innovative approach based on authorial collective creativity. As authors of theatre plays, we reach for new topics, we expand the original Slovak theatre work. So far, we have had many premieres from our staging’s repertoire among some of them are part of our actual repertoire. Lahorsde. Compagnie Acte | Chorégraphe Annick Charlot. Workshop Forman Brothers Theatre | ATELIER DELLA LUNA. Atelier della Luna is an international project. It is intended to offer training and specialization with workshops in theatre, puppetry and circus.

Project locations: Montefiore Conca medieval castle (Italy) and Santes Creus monastery (Catalunya).Two countries, two places, one home without frontiers. In Italy, the workshops will focus on building techniques while in Catalunya on actor training. Due to the peculiar architecture and natural environment of the locations, the workshop participants will spend their time in unique places, far from everyday life and the usual hectic rhythms. Another time, another climate, another environment: a place for cultural and professional exchanges, where you can meet other artists, create synergies, artistic exchanges and new projects. ATELIER DELLA LUNA ITALIA W.