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WEB Tech. I just entered to win an iPad - Jack Cards. Enhanced Vision Creates 'Sixth Sense'. On Twitter and in the Workplace, It's Power to the Connectors - By Rosabeth Moss Kanter | 1:00 PM November 16, 2009 In the World According to Twitter, giving away access to information rewards the giver by building followers. The more followers, the more information comes to the giver to distribute, which in turn builds more followers. The process cannot be commanded or controlled; followers opt in and out as they choose. The results are transparent and purely quantitative; network size is all that matters. Networks of this sort are self-organizing and democratic but without any collective interaction. The significance of Twitter is yet to be determined; it is a simple, impersonal, and transient application of technology.

America in the 20th century was called a “society of organizations.” Today, people with power and influence derive their power from their centrality within self-organizing networks that might or might not correspond to any plan on the part of designated leaders. This changes the nature of career success. Augmented Reality. Almost Genius: A Mouse Made for Your Feet | Design & Innovation. Like any good design idea, you can understand how the Toe Mouse works at a glance--and why it was designed. Liu Yi created it for those without use of their arms, and the form is based on a blockbuster design we're all familiar with, the flip-flop. The ergonomic shape allows easy gripping between the big toe and the second toe; sensors underneath each would function as the left and right click. The only usability quibble I have with the design is that your toes don't actually move independently--try to move your big toe without moving your second toe right now.

But beyond that, this could be pretty great: Regular mice have their range of motion scaled to your computer screen in about a 1:3 ratio, so that you can cover the whole screen without moving your hand around too much. And that is why the disabled are so often forced to get by on jury-rigged solutions, rather than well designed products--for now, it's simply too hard to convince most companies of the market that exists.