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Ipads in Education

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Ipadsineducation. IT in Education - Home. iPads for Education | Case Studies | Ringwood North Primary School. iPads in Schools. Some of the apps we use in school : Kenninghall Community Primary School. Teaching Large Classes with an iPad. [Reprinted by author from] To this day I remain a big fan of the overhead projector. I truly believe it was more effective a tool for teaching than the projected Powerpoint slides will ever be. I stood facing the students, watching their expressions, which I could see since the lights were sufficiently bright. I could draw on the screen and change directions as questions arose. In fact I will argue that the 'golden age of college teaching' if there was one was stimulated by the addition of the roller to the overhead projector. It allowed the combining of student response, just-in-time teaching, constructivist development and several other educational buzz terms in one simple device.

It's been downhill ever since,...until this semester. This semester I've purchased an iPad2 and a software application called SplashTop Remote Desktop. To reach this new level of teaching nirvana I have found at least two routes (so far):