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Green Arrow France. DpStream. The Big Bang Theory FanSite. The Big Bang Theory : une infographie reprend tous les T-shirts de Sheldon. How to Binge Watch a Show. Ladies and gentlemen, you only have one week left. Yes, you only have one week before Labor Day, which means the end of summer and the start of the deluge of new fall programming that is going to demand your attention like two little kittens dancing around a linoleum floor playing with a ball of yarn (so cute!).

But since there is nothing on TV this week except for the Republican National Convention (boring) and reruns of Jeopardy (boring but educational), now is the perfect time to binge watch one of the shows you’ve been meaning to catch up on all summer. So, how do you get through a season of Homeland, two seasons of Downton Abbey, or the entire back catalog of Arrested Development without losing all of your friends and the circulation in your hind quarters? Binge watching is a fine art, and here are some tips we learned over the years. WANT MORE? Be Strict: While you’re trying to cram as much programming into a tight schedule as you can, don’t deviate from the agenda. More: Dossier Goldorak : Gros plan sur le robot de notre enfance. Pour le jeune spectateur qui, en cette belle journée de l'été 1978, regarda son premier épisode de Goldorak, le choc dut être total. En effet, à l'époque très peu de dessins animés japonais avaient droit de cité sur les ondes françaises (à l'exception de Candy et un peu plus tard Albator, c'était le désert) et encore moins de programmes destinés à la jeunesse avec des batailles de robots géants, des armes farfelues, des méchants aliens avides de nos ressources et une tonalité générale plus prompte à la tragédie qu'à la franche gaudriole.

Non, en 1978 tout ça n'existait pas pour le spectateur français et autant dire qu'après cette série plus rien ne fut vraiment pareil. En découvrant Actarus, Alcor et Minos, la jeunesse française venait de franchir le point de non-retour. D'ici peu, une véritable « Génération Goldorak » allait émerger, ouvrant la voie à tout un pan de la japanimation qui déferlerait bientôt sur le pays.

Une série qui n'existe pas. L'auteur Go Nagaï La Team au complet. The 2012–13 TV Season in One Depressing Chart. The 2012–13 television season officially passed into the Nielsen history books last night, bringing to an end what will likely be remembered as one of the worst years ever in the history of network TV (assuming, of course, that anyone still remembers what "television" is in 50 years). There were hardly any new breakout hits (though The Following, Revolution, and Elementary did okay).

And, as has been widely reported, the Big Four as a whole bled viewers: They collectively lost about 10 percent of their adults-under-50 audience this season, with none of the major broadcasters growing year to year in the key demo. But as bad as things look on the macro level, the devastation is even more evident — and jaw-dropping — when you dig into the numbers for all the returning shows. The vast majority of the nearly 90 series that had their second or higher season on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and the CW lost ground among adults under 50.