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Colorstrology. Astrology, Horoscope, Star sign and Romance Compatibility How compatible are you with your current partner, lover or friend?

Did you know that astrology can reveal a whole new level of understanding between people simply by looking at their star sign and that of their partner? Here you will discover some special insights which will help you better appreciate the strengths and challenges of love using Sun sign compatibility. The Sun reflects your drive, will power and personality. The essential qualities of two star signs blend like two pure colors producing an entirely new shades. Spirituality: Numerology. Numerology charts are made up of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22.

Spirituality: Numerology

In order to determine which number applies to you, you must add up the digits that make up your birth date or name. This sum is further reduced by consequently adding up the resulting digits until a single digit answer (or the numbers 11 or 22) is achieved. If at anytime during the equation, you come up with the numbers 11 or 22, you do not need to reduce them. The most important aspect of Numerology is determining your Life Path, which involves adding up the digits of your birth date. Get Free Divination Games just for fun.