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Arqueología y Prehistoria

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Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art. Internet Archaeol. 32. Review of Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration [Web Book] 1. Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford 2. Associate Professor, Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, Texas Tech University Cite this as: M. Shanks and C. Witmore 2012 'Archaeology 2.0? Review of Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration [Web Book]', Internet Archaeology 32. Kansa, E., Kansa, S. and Watrall, E. 2011 Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration, Cotsen Digital Archaeology series, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UC Los Angeles Available: Another new archaeology? The Cotsen Institute in Los Angeles has launched a new publishing initiative in 'Digital Archaeology'. We disagree and argue that the claim is not well supported.

Web 2.0 — from desktop to services in the cloud Let us provide some context for the book's topic. This is all very familiar to us, well, most of us, today. The digital academy. Archaeological webs. Archaeology in Europe - A List of Archaeological Websites. Archaeology Magazine. Arqueo-Redes. Castros de Asturias | Arqueología castreña, excavaciones, yacimientos visitables, catálogos y bibliografía arqueológica.