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Occupy Oakland - Khali Interview. Introducing: The OccuPirates. Officials Rally for Mayor to Acknowledge ‘Police Accountability’ Issue | PolitickerNY. A number of elected officials and community activists rallied for “recommitting to police accountability movement” this afternoon, in response to issues ranging from the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices to an offensive Facebook page. The rally was hosted by Councilman Jumaane Williams and the Public Advocate’s Director of Community Affairs, Kirsten John Foy, who were both infamously arrested last year.

“If you’re not going to acknowledge that the NYPD has treated us like second-class citizens, has created a system of apartheid in the city of New York, we’re going to show you that there will be no peace,” Mr. Foy said to applause. Councilman Williams placed special emphasis on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s upcoming State of the City speech. “If the Mayor does not acknowledge the NYPD accountability issue in this city at the State of the City address next week, what he’s saying is that he doesn’t care about most of the population of the city,” Mr. Williams announced. Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War. FILM THE POLICE - B. Dolan feat. Toki Wright, Jasiri X, Buddy Peace, Sage Francis. Free Bradley Manning - It's Time. The OccupyUSA Blog for Wednesday (Dec. 14), With Frequent Updates. Share tbaI've been live-blogging OWS here daily since October 1. Email: All times ET. My new e-book is "40 Days That Shook the World: From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Everywhere.

" Most of my other books here. ---Go HERE for the Thursday edition of this blog 10:10 Just got this press release from OWS media team in mail on the "secret" re-occupy day: "On Saturday, December 17th Occupy Wall Street — with support from more than 1400 faith leaders, elders of the civil rights movement, prominent artists and community members — will gather at noon in Duarte Square, downtown Manhattan, for an all day performance event [photo at left from previous action there].

"Canal and 6th Ave is the site of a vacant lot owned by Trinity Real Estate, the corporate arm of Trinity on Wall Street. 8:50 Bradley Manning finally getting day in court on Friday. 7:20 Gingrich gets mic-checked in Iowa, sets off ruckus. 6:55 NY folks still saying they will "re-occupy" unnamed site on Saturday... A Stunning Occupy Wall Street Interview concerning NYPD + Protest Movement with Chris Hedges mirror. Tent Protest Costume Violently Stripped from Protester's Body 061211.MOV (Concise version) Stand Together. Earth Revolution - Ta'kaiya Blaney - Occupy Vancouver.

Banksy Occupy London Protest. "I'll Occupy" Recruitment Song: The 99 is Pissed and We Will Not Be Dismissed! OCCUPY LAS VEGAS 11.25.11...MIC CHECK at the Meadows Mall. Elizabeth Nichols, Occupy Portland Protester Pepper Sprayed In The Face, Identified (PHOTO) In recent days pepper spray has become almost synonymous with the Occupy movement. Most recently this photo, which is quickly becoming an iconic image from the movement, has gone viral. It shows Occupy Portland protester Elizabeth Nichols getting hit directly in the face with pepper spray by Portland police. The shot was taken by Randy L. Rasmussen, a photographer for the Oregonian, during Thursday's protests.

The picture itself has been called a lot of things, but intriguingly enough, the most accurate description of how it was taken is that it was an accident. But Elizabeth Nichols, the woman being hit in the face with the spray, certainly knew what happened (though she didn't know it had been captured on film). From the Oregonian: Nichols said a policewoman jabbed her in the ribs with a baton and pressed it against her throat. This new shot comes just days after a photo of 84-year-old Dorli Rainey went viral, after she was pepper sprayed in the face during Occupy Seattle protests. Share photos and videos on Twitter. NEW Campaign Against Occupy Movement: 1% fighting dirty. All Live Streams.

OccupyLSX Julian Assange pays homage to Anonymous. Hartmann: Occupy Boston: a victim of a police beating speaks out. Banks Give Millions To NYPD Foundation. Globalrevolution. Boston Police Attack Veterans for Peace by @haveyoumetter for Dig Boston. OCCUPY BOSTON. Rev. Jesse Jackson Honors the Late Civil Rights Stalwarts Fred Shuttlesworth and Derrick Bell. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the civil rights movement, which has lost two of its torchbearers. Fred Shuttlesworth died at the age of 89, and Professor Derrick Bell died at the age of 80 this week. Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth led the struggle in Birmingham, Alabama, to end segregation. The legal scholar and civil rights activist Derrick Bell has also passed away.

For more on the lives and legacies of Fred Shuttlesworth and Derrick Bell, we’re joined now by a modern-day torchbearer of the civil rights movement, Reverend Jesse Jackson, president and founder of Rainbow/PUSH. Reverend Jackson, welcome to Democracy Now! REV. AMY GOODMAN: Start with Fred Shuttlesworth. REV. Fred Shuttlesworth was bombed while in bed. AMY GOODMAN: You had Dr. REV. AMY GOODMAN: Reverend Jackson, I want to turn to a clip of Fred Shuttlesworth talking about the immediate, visceral danger he encountered as one of the leaders of the civil rights movement.

MCCCXXXIII VLOG 3~ OCCUPY WALL STREET (Part 1) 10/5/11. CNN: Occupy Wall Street. Rand Paul: Obama inflaming ‘Occupy Wall Street’ mob. By Eric W. DolanThursday, October 6, 2011 22:29 EDT Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky on Fox Business warned Thursday that the “Occupy Wall Street” protest in New York City could become violent thanks, in part, to President Barack Obama.

“As far as this Occupy Wall Street movement goes, you know I see it sort of like a Paris mob,” he said. “I see the president’s rhetoric of envy inflaming the public.” Sen. Paul said he “hoped” that the “Parisian mob” that Obama was inflaming didn’t result in “lawlessness” where protesters looted iPhones, “because rich people don’t deserve to have them.” During a White House news conference Thursday, President Barack Obama said that the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations were proof people wanted to see tighter financial regulations. Watch video, via, below: Photo credit: Gage Skidmore Eric W. Eric W. Occupy. Luke Rudkowski Attacked by Police, Baton to the Gut at Occupy Wall Street Arrests. NYPD Caught On Camera Punching #OccupyWallStreet Protestor In The Face. VID00055. Hundreds held in anti-Wall Street protests.