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Interruption_Transition_Program. ABA-Panel-Pres-20111. Autism Internet Modules. Levy-Autism. My Choice Board - Good Karma Apps - Exceptional Apps for Exceptional People. Courses Store. This module is an overview of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the criteria used to diagnose children with ASD.

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The Understanding Autism training was developed by the Mid-Missouri Rapid Response Initiative, which is funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health Division of Developmental Disabilities. An online module was created from the training through a partnership with the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelomental Disorders, University of Missouri Extension, and the Division of Developmental Disabilities Office of Autism Services. El video de capacitación está disponible en idioma inglés solamente, pero las diapositivas de la presentación y la hoja con recursos están disponibles en idioma español y puede bajarlas.

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