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Angry Birds Theme by London Philharmonic Orchestra [720p] Reveillez vous, cueurs endormis, "Le chant des oiseaux" by Musica Fresca on Spotify. Chiari lumi by Stefanie True on Spotify. Concerto Pour Piano Et Orchestre: I. Allegretto by Eric Le Sage on Spotify. Bach/Carlos, Cantata 29, Sinfonia (Switched On Bach) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Organ sonate No. 2 C minor. Vivaldi - Four Seasons (Winter) Lady Gaga Fugue‬‏ Idil Biret - Haendel Menuet. Bach - The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080 [complete on Organ] France Inter > Emissions > C'est du classique, mais c'est pas grave. Ave verum corpus.