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Aspiration Jobs

Aspiration, launched in 2002, takes pride in being rated by it’s clients as one of the top Recruitment Agencies and by job seekers for it’s high quality job search and interview coaching services. It is a one of its kind consultancy catering to both, the employers by recruiting talent and the job seekers by offering job search and executive interview coaching services, Achievement driven Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing and training courses like online Video tutorial. All these tools redefine the job search and interview approach dramatically improving the hit rate.

Interview Success Approaches Inspite of No job Description Being Shared. Many times, during my interview success sessions, I come across job seekers who want to know how to handle the interview or interview strategy for successful hiring in a situation when there has been no job description shared by the prospective employer.

Interview Success Approaches Inspite of No job Description Being Shared

The company would not have provided any details in the job description. Except for the title and one or two skill areas. Or it could be that you have been called for an interview through the referral route. No details are provided. I also notice that at times Job Seekers do not pay any heed to the JD. For you to stand head and shoulders above other candidates. So when you face a situation when there is no job description available with you. Approach 1] Connect With HR: Call the HR department and ask for a detailed JD. Approach 2] LinkedIn Profiles Approach 3] Referral Approach 4 ] Online Search Do an online google search with keywords – ‘name of the company’, ‘broad designations/job titles’. Approach 5] Exhaustive Homework. 7 Costly Mistakes That Ruin Your Chances of Receiving Job Interview Call.

During my Interview Coaching sessions, most job seekers share that their major pain point is that they do not receive a job interview call in spite of sending multiple applications to various prospective employers.

7 Costly Mistakes That Ruin Your Chances of Receiving Job Interview Call

I understand it is a frustrating experience as a professional but you as a Job Seeker can certainly turn this situation around by avoiding 7 common mistakes. These slip-ups may not seem crucial to you on the face of it but are certainly responsible for you missing out on getting the job interview call. So let us think out of the box. MISTAKE 1: ‘Cursory’ Homework Not doing in-depth homework on the organization as well as the job’s requirement before sending the application. Solution: Even before you send in your resume, you need to literally behave and think as if you are already an employee of the company. MISTAKE 2: A ‘General’ Cover Letter Sending a generalised cover letter across different positions is like gifting the same size shirt to 10 of your friends. 8 Steps Of Writing A Perfect Story Resume. How do you brand yourself?

8 Steps Of Writing A Perfect Story Resume

With the help of an effective story resume or a powerful story resume, a recruiter can be impressed. AspirationJobs presents 8 steps of writing a perfect story resume which differentiates you as an individual and does not make you lose your identity amongst the thousands of look-alike Resumes. Interview Preparation Tips To Stand Out the Interview During Pandemic. How to give the best shot in an Interview?

Interview Preparation Tips To Stand Out the Interview During Pandemic

This is a common question everyone has in mind while they are planning for a job search. Be you are a fresher, a mid-level employee, or in a higher position, every position you apply for has a different Job Interview pattern. Nowadays, people have become even more cautious and started to enroll in various Interview Coaching classes. Aspiration Jobs is one of the most experienced hiring organizations, which delivers some excellent Interview coaching sessions, which can change your approach to Job Interviews. Today we will be sharing some super Interview preparation tips that can help you bring an end to your job search.

In this pandemic situation of Coronavirus, the market has gone topsy-turvy. 5 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make On LinkedIn. Today 95% of the recruiters utilise LinkedIn as a major sourcing tool to find candidates (Source: US News).

5 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make On LinkedIn

And with the current pandemic environment where the time spent online has increased multifold, you as a job seeker have to mandatorily build an online presence on LinkedIn. Most job seekers take their LinkedIn profile for granted and do not pay attention to it. If you are making the below 5 most common mistakes that job seekers make while using LinkedIn you would be losing out on job opportunities as employers will not get attracted to your profile: 5 Tips To Boost Your Resume During COVID-19. In the situation of COVID-19, job opening has got massively affected, but job search has increased due to sudden layoffs.

5 Tips To Boost Your Resume During COVID-19

The job scenario has rapidly changed. As we had seen in 2001 and 2008, when the market crashed, hiring still happened in that time of recession too. The same scenario is getting repeated, even today, due to COVID-19. How to Find your Dream Job: 10 Key Steps. While I coach experienced professionals who are in a Job Search mode, I see that almost all of them do take steps like building a Resume, LinkedIn Profile, Networking, Making Cover Letters…..and so on.

How to Find your Dream Job: 10 Key Steps

While these steps are required, they do not get the desired result because the approach they use is still traditional and not all avenues of reaching out to the prospective employers are fully utilised. Just imagine what would happen if the source of the light would not have evolved from a flame to a bulb? So to find your dream job, with my practical experience, I am sharing with you the following key steps and each one needs to be taken without any compromise.

If you diligently do that (no pain, no gain), you are bound to get your dream job. List of Prospective Employers and Job Roles: Tips To Write A Job Winning Resume. Your resume is the personal marketing document that will help you sell your skills and potentialities to the hirer.

Tips To Write A Job Winning Resume

Your resume is the document that represents your profile on your behalf. This paper needs to have all the minute details that can competently represent your potentiality to the search committee while the screening process. Research says that recruiters take only 20 seconds to have an initial glance, and that is when their eyes stick to the major highlights of skills and achievements in your profile.

So, to get selected, you need to know how to write a job winning resume. Best Resume Writing Formats To Use In 2020. Your resume is the first scope to create an impactful impression on the person interviewing you.

Best Resume Writing Formats To Use In 2020

Remember, your resume is the message bearer to the hiring person on behalf of you. A well-crafted resume will help you get you through the first phase of the shortlisting process. And in this challenging scenario of 2020, when the competition has got more stringent for the job seekers, they need to find the right way of portraying their profile. The Only Follow Up Approach That Increases Number Of Interview Calls. How many times do you decide to purchase a product after simply reading a promotional leaflet delivered along with your newspaper?

The Only Follow Up Approach That Increases Number Of Interview Calls

If the leaflet’s content is well designed and targeted towards your specific need. Then it may attract your attention to know more. But to improve your response towards an act of considering it as a buy, there needs to be a follow-up call from a salesperson addressing your needs after studying your specific requirements. Why Did You Quit Your Last Job Without One in Hand? There was this senior professional X, age 48, who we were recently assisting in his job search. X has a total of 24 years of work experience and is at the senior management level. X’s current status is that he was jobless since Oct 2016 and had left his previous job after serving with them for a good stable 10 years. He sought our assistance primarily for this one key challenge: How does he handle his current status of being jobless in an interview? By handling the question in this manner, you are able to establish a rapport with the interviewer who would appreciate what you get to the table.

How a LinkedIn Profile Introduces the Whole You - Aspiration Jobs. A Senior Sales professional Ramesh (not real name) with 15 years plus experience had sent me his Resume. Since Ramesh is known to me as a professional. I realized was that the Resume had less than half the impact considering his talents, skills, and expertise. Interview Strategy Course - Aspiration Jobs. INTERVIEW COACHING BY SARABJEET SACHAR - Aspiration Jobs. Have you received an interview call from the company of your choice? Would you like to ace the interview? Having coached over 10000 professionals, Sarabjeet Sachar’s interview coaching service gets you closer to your dream job! If you are looking for Executive interview coaching and targeting to crack an interview and get the job, do get in touch. Validity of period of service : 30 days What you get through the coaching ( involves research and analysis conducted of your inputs provided before the session):

The Best Course on How to Ace Your Job Search - Aspiration Jobs. Learn how to ace your job search in a 7- day Whatsapp course for job seekers Fresh Batches Starts Every Monday Presenting The Course At An Exclusive Price Of ₹499 (Covering seven topics over seven days) Private WhatsApp Group (Hurry! Register before the batch is sold out) (Admission strictly based on first-come-first-serve-basis) (Only 20 students per batch) (Fresh batch starts every Monday) What To Put On A Resume: 5+ Things To Include.