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ASP Cares Pharmacy

Ask for highest grade and comprehensive medications, drugs & prescription from Asp Cares, a nationwide specialty pharmacy with centers in Texas, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. We are on our toes round the clock.

HIV-AIDS Pharmacy - Aspcares. At ASP Cares, we understand the diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can be a very difficult time in life.

HIV-AIDS Pharmacy - Aspcares

One that brings fear, questions, and constant thoughts of the unknown. Our team is dedicated to helping HIV patients access the medications and drug therapies they need for health management and symptom control so that they can enjoy active, fulfilling lives. Over the years, ASP Cares has been highly recommended by physicians for patients diagnosed with this condition because of our focus on putting patients first – something we will never sacrifice. Pain Management Pharmacy - AspCares. Urology Specialty Pharmacy - Aspcares. Hemophilia Specialty Pharmacy - Aspcares. Oncology Pharmacy - Aspcares. RSV Pharmacy - Aspcares. At ASP Cares, we understand the diagnosis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) can be scary.

RSV Pharmacy - Aspcares

While RSV is a common respiratory virus that typically causes mild, cold-like symptoms and a recovery period of a week or two, RSV can be very serious – especially for infants and young adults. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia, and is also a significant cause of other respiratory illness. Cardiovascular disease Pharmacy - Aspcares. Infusion Therapy Pharmacy - Aspcares. PrEP Pharmacy - Aspcares. At ASP Cares, we understand the importance of preventing and transmitting HIV.

PrEP Pharmacy - Aspcares

Fortunately, PrEP was approved in 2012 and stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It means that a medication can be taken for this purpose. PEP stands for Post-ExPosure. It means that a medication regimen can be taken if you have been exposed to HIV. Our pharmacists and nurses are dedicated to helping patients understand prophylaxis and how to access this therapy from a physician. Consistently since 2012, ASP Cares has been highly recommended by physicians, including Infectious Disease Specialists because of our sincere focus on patients.

Wound Care Pharmacy - AspCares. Hepatitis Pharmacy - Aspcares. Ophthalmology Pharmacy - Aspcares. ASP Cares Specialty Pharmacy. Gastroenterology Pharmacy - Aspcares. Multiple Sclerosis Pharmacy - Aspcares. Rheumatology Pharmacy - Aspcares. Addiction Management Pharmacy - AspCares. Texas Oncology. Oncology Pharmacy. Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders. ASP Cares Specialty Pharmacy. Aspcares Pharmacy - Online Drugstore. Wound Healing. Hepatitis Vaccine. Ophthalmology. Organ Transplant. Hemophilia Treatment At AspCares. Hemophilia Treatment Centers At ASPCares. In the early 1970's the National Hemophilia Foundation spearheaded a campaign to create a network of comprehensive hemophilia treatment centers designed to provide advanced care for people living with the hemophilia in the United States.

Hemophilia Treatment Centers At ASPCares

Hemophilia Hemophilia is a complex, inherited bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency in clotting factors. (Usually factor VIII or IX.) It is also extremely rare. The Center for Disease Control estimates that about 20,000 people have hemophilia in the U.S. today. Hemophilia Treatment Centers Offer Specialized Care This is the biggest reason that Hemophilia Treatment Centers are so vital to those living with the disease. They were also 40% less likely to require hospitalization when treated at a hemophilia center, rather than another facility when experiencing a bleed.

Personal Injury Attorney - ASP Cares. Women and bleeding disorders. While many people think of bleeding disorders as primarily affecting males (as in the case with hemophilia), women can have bleeding disorders too.

Women and bleeding disorders

Certain bleeding disorders, like von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) for instance, occur with equal frequency in both males and females. Von Willebrand’s disease, is caused by a deficiency or defect in von Willebrand factor (VWF), a vital blood protein critical for normal blood clotting. Coagulation (Clotting) Disorders Bleeding disorders are really coagulation disorders. People with bleeding disorders do not bleed faster, they simply do not stop bleeding the way they should. Clotting is the Body’s Way of Preventing Blood Loss Normally, when a blood vessel is injured, the body takes immediate action to prevent excessive blood loss. Complications of Hemophilia. Factor VIII (8): Hemophilia A.

Factor 8 (VIII) is a specialized protein called a coagulation, or clotting, factor.

Factor VIII (8): Hemophilia A

People who have a deficiency or defect in factor VIII experience excessive bleeding because their blood does not clot properly, a medical condition called hemophilia A. 10 Things You Should Know About PrEP and HIV. ASP Cares is a market leading specialty pharmacy focused on serving people living with rare conditions and disorders such as HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus).

10 Things You Should Know About PrEP and HIV

As part of our commitment to help people gain and keep access to vital medications, we have created this short blog to explain how PrEP can help protect you from HIV. 1. HIV and Pregnancy. Just because you are HIV positive does not mean you cannot become pregnant.

HIV and Pregnancy

Nor does it mean that you can’t give birth to a healthy, HIV-negative baby. You should understand though, that there is some risk associated with pregnancy when you are HIV positive, because it is possible to transmit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to your baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or when breastfeeding. According to the Center for Disease Control, if you are HIV positive, you can reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to your baby to as low as 1%, by taking HIV-related medications exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Accident Compensation Claims. What to watch for after an accident. # 1 It Can Happen to Anyone Almost anyone can be injured in a car accident.

What to watch for after an accident

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 6 million car accidents reported to police in the United States in 2015 alone. Of these, over 30,000 involved fatalities; and another 1.6 million caused passenger or driver injuries. This number does not include car crashes that were not reported to the police. All of which, means that at some point in your lifetime, you may be involved in and possibly even be injured, in an auto accident.

Always Buckle Up and Use Child-Safety Seats Taking certain precautions, such as always wearing your seatbelt and properly restraining children in child-safety seats, can drastically reduce the risk of being seriously hurt in a car crash. The laws of physics are finite and non-negotiable. Personal Injury. Life happens.

Personal Injury

Unfortunately, so do car accidents. According to the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2015 alone there were over 6,296,000 car accidents reported to the police. Bear in mind this represents only the number of car wrecks; it does not count number of occupants, the severity of their injuries, or how many vehicles were involved. And it only tallies motor vehicle accidents reported to police. After a car wreck, you may be understandably upset. Injuries Come First If you think you may be injured, or someone else may have been hurt, call 911 before you do anything else. What to do Right After an Accident If no one is injured, move the vehicle(s) away from traffic, if it is possible and safe to do so.

Drug Therapies for Cancer. Each year the FDA approves promising new drug therapies for cancer. It now appears that some of the most promising cancer treatment avenues, may actually lie within the bodies of the patients themselves. Next Generation Non-Toxic Drug Therapies for Cancer Known as immunotherapy or targeted gene therapies, these kinds of treatments harness naturally occurring processes to create personalized, less toxic treatments, which are potentially much safer for healthy cells. The possible benefits of this kind of treatment are hard to overstate.

Targeted Cancer Treatments Like the development of chemotherapy in the 1940’s, immunotherapy and targeted gene therapies could be real game changers. Keeping Your Brain Young. As your mother probably told you, looks can be deceiving. This may be even more true when it comes to your brain. Scientists have long known that certain areas of the brain tend to shrink in size as we age.

Poor diet, stress, dehydration, and or a lack of sleep can all contribute to brain shrinkage, which can be seen during medical tests such as a CT (computerized tomography) scan. Besides losing neurons (specialized nerve cells within the brain), the brain also tends to experience reduced blood flow, and lower levels of interaction in some brain regions over time. Not surprisingly, this led to the largely unquestioned (until recently) assumption that changes to the structure of the brain indicated a natural decline in cognitive function as we age. After all, it seemed obvious that older people tend to forget names and may have trouble creating new memories or learning as fast as they did when they were younger. Neurogenesis and Brain Plasticity Seeing the Forrest Because of the Trees.