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Paul Gilbert: The Compassionate Mind. Martin Seligman: Flourish. 5 ways to… see the best in yourself. 11 Habits of Highly Ineffective Managers. 10-body-language-secrets-of-highly-successful-people. Brené Brown: Listening to shame. What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. Mornings are a great time for getting things done.

What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

You’re less likely to be interrupted than you are later in the day. Your supply of willpower is fresh after a good night’s sleep. That makes it possible to turn personal priorities like exercise or strategic thinking into reality. But if you’ve got big goals—and a chaotic a.m. schedule—how can you make over your mornings to make these goals happen? Because I write about time management frequently, I’ve gotten to see hundreds of calendars and schedules over the years. 1. Part of spending your time better is knowing how you’re spending it now. While measuring your mornings, try tracking your whole week.

As for the mornings themselves, you can be organized but still not be spending them well. 2. After you know how you’re spending your time, ask yourself what a great morning would look like. For personal growth: For professional growth: Strategize: In an age of constant connectivity, people complain of having no time to think. 3. 4. 5. 3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Yourself When You Work. “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”Sydney J.

3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Yourself When You Work

Harris “One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important.”Bertrand Russell The most important thing for me to manage during my workday and workweek is not my time but my energy. Why? Self-kindness. Today I’d like to share three mistakes I have made – and think are quite common – that have certainly sucked a lot of extra and unnecessary energy out of me in the past. And what to do about them. 1. This was certainly one of the biggest mistakes I made with my energy. How to Change Your Life in Just 2 Minutes a Day: 10 Quick Habits. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”Lao Tzu “The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.”Madame Marie du Deffand Making a positive change in your life does not have to be about making a huge leap.

How to Change Your Life in Just 2 Minutes a Day: 10 Quick Habits

But I believe that belief is one of those things that hold people back from improving their life and world. A simpler way that more often results in actual action being taken and new habits being established – in my life at least – is to take smaller steps but many of them. So today I’d like to share 10 quick habits that can help you to change your life in just 2 minutes or so a day. To remember to actually do one of the things below each day I recommend writing down a simple reminder. What Makes You Happy? From survive to thrive: how to get people flourishing whatever the pressure webinar. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. 5 ways to… thrive. Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep. Rainy Brain Sunny Brain by Professor Elaine Fox. From Pessimist to Optimist?

Rainy Brain Sunny Brain by Professor Elaine Fox

How Positive Actions can Change your Brain Are you a pessimist, always preparing for failure? With so much bad news, pessimism seems reasonable and optimists can appear to be ridiculously naïve in the face of so much doom and gloom. Pessimism has its place, of course, and helps us prepare for the worst, which does sometimes happen. But, pessimism can be pervasive gradually taking over our lives with devastating consequences for our health, our wellbeing and our general peace of mind. Changing Michael Mosley’s Brain When Michael first came to us he said that he had always been quite pessimistic and would really like to become more optimistic. Want to have a go yourself? We have recreated the task we gave to Michael here so that you can try the same programme for yourself. Take the optimism test This will give you an indication of how you compare to other people in your general level of optimism or pessimism.

Test your cognitive bias Attentional Training Game. Elaine Fox: Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain.