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Vroom 5: Súper camiones extravagantes y un nuevo Abarth 595. Llega una nueva edición de las mejores noticias del mundo sobre ruedas.

Vroom 5: Súper camiones extravagantes y un nuevo Abarth 595

En esta oportunidad el menú incluye una maniobra para la historia, los camiones más raros del planeta y la reversión del Abarth 595. Además, descubre la historia de las bicicletas con un vistazo y al auto con más suerte del mundo. Esto es el Vroom 5. Camiones listos para desfilar En tierras niponas, algunos tienen la (particular) costumbre de adornar los vehículos para recorrer las rutas con cierto toque de glamour. Este hábito luminoso permite, a los dueños los vehículos, quitarle abulia o previsibilidad al trabajo diario, pero también se ha convertido en una forma de competencia en la que todos buscan tener el ejemplar más llamativo.

Si eres sensible a la luz, toma un poco de distancia para ver este video: El fotógrafo japonés Satoshi Minakawa sacó varias fotos de estos camiones durante una exposición. ©Satoshi Minakawa/Difusión 233 años de historia sobre dos ruedas ©Pop Chart Lab/Difusión ©Abarth/Difusión. 20 More GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations. I’m sure you guys can identify with a lot of these.

20 More GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations

This first one is especially timely… The night before the first day of school: When someone wakes you up: When the smart kid fails the test: When you need to use the bathroom and people are in your way: When you hear people next to you say, “Don’t tell anyone…” The awkward moment when you don’t know how to continue the conversation: When you finally wash your bedsheets: When a plan you make backfires: When the beat drops to your favorite song: When something bad happens to someone you hate: When you realize the word “short” is longer than the word “long” When you push someone down and they fall… but then they start crying: When you hold someone’s pet for the first time: When you’re running late and can’t find what you’re looking for: When you feel a cold coming on: When people at the movies won’t shut up: When your friend does something you clearly said was a bad idea: When you wear a new outfit and feel great in it: When there is new food in the fridge:

20 GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations (9.26.11. Here’s a fresh round of animated GIFs that perfectly characterize how it feels when we encounter these everyday scenarios.

20 GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations (9.26.11

When someone steps on the back of your shoe When someone you hate says something funny When you have too much sugar When you see your ex after the breakup When you’re in the back seat and the front windows are down When people don’t warn you before taking your picture When your phone rings while you’re trying to take a nap When lyrics websites won’t let you copy the lyrics When people smoke near you When your girlfriend calls to tell you her problems When you’re watching something for the first time and say, “That’s where that GIF is from!”

When you feel people staring at you When you have a message on tumblr When you have to sneeze, but it won’t come out When you were at a pet shop as a kid When you are at a pet shop today When you ask for a bite of food and your friend says, “Actually, you can have the rest.” Facebook. El espíritu de los cínicos. Wall Photos.