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Language Support in Visual Studio Code. In Visual Studio Code we have support for many languages.

Language Support in Visual Studio Code

The richness of support varies across the different languages. The table below provides a brief description of the features various languages have in Visual Studio Code. Next we will outline some of the more advanced language support features. Visual Studio Code uses the power of Roslyn and OmniSharp to offer an outstanding C# experience. To get started you need to know that VSCode comes with support for DNX projects and MSBuild projects. Selecting a project.json-file is opening a DNX-project and VSCode will load that project plus the referenced projectsSelecting a *.sln-file is opening a MSBuild-project.

The status bar will show what projects have been loaded and also allows you to select a different set of projects. There is a lot to discover with C# and the editor, such as format on type, IntelliSense, the rename-refactoring, etc., but there is also features outside the editor. JavaScript TypeScript CSS, LESS and SASS. Creative coding — Monash University. Learning to program is no longer just for computer specialists and software developers.

Creative coding — Monash University

People from many different backgrounds now want to understand the basics of programming, because it’s both fun and an increasingly valuable skill. One of the most exciting ways to learn programming is through authoring your own creative programs. Known as “creative coding,” this growing field uses computer software as a medium to develop original creative expression. So if you’re an artist, designer, architect or musician who’s interested in how you can expand your creative skills, or even a computer programmer looking to work in creative applications, you will find this free online course extremely useful.

Explore the concepts and skills of creative coding Throughout the course we’ll help you develop practical programming concepts and skills by exploring creative ideas and challenges. Learn with professional artists and designers The course is very different from technical courses on programming. "Computer Science" at Passphrases That You Can Memorize — But That Even the NSA Can't Guess. It’s getting easier to secure your digital privacy. iPhones now encrypt a great deal of personal information; hard drives on Mac and Windows 8.1 computers are now automatically locked down; even Facebook, which made a fortune on open sharing, is providing end-to-end encryption in the chat tool WhatsApp.

Passphrases That You Can Memorize — But That Even the NSA Can't Guess

But none of this technology offers as much protection as you may think if you don’t know how to come up with a good passphrase. A passphrase is like a password, but longer and more secure. In essence, it’s an encryption key that you memorize. Once you start caring more deeply about your privacy and improving your computer security habits, one of the first roadblocks you’ll run into is having to create a passphrase. You can’t secure much without one. For example, when you encrypt your hard drive, a USB stick, or a document on your computer, the disk encryption is often only as strong as your passphrase. But luckily this usability/security trade-off doesn’t have to exist. Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age.

Fog Creek Blog. Machine Learning for Trading Course - Quantitative Analysis Software Courses. Overview This course introduces students to the real world challenges of implementing machine learning based trading strategies including the algorithmic steps from information gathering to market orders.

Machine Learning for Trading Course - Quantitative Analysis Software Courses

The focus is on how to apply probabilistic machine learning approaches to trading decisions. We consider statistical approaches like linear regression, Q-Learning, KNN and regression trees and how to apply them to actual stock trading situations. This course is composed of three mini-courses: A set of course notes and example code can be found here: [[1]] Important note This course ramps up in difficulty towards the end. Instructor information Tucker Balch, Ph.D. David Byrd Research Scientist, Interactive Media Technology Center at Georgia Tech CS 7646 Instructor: Summer 2016 CS 7646 Head TA: Spring 2016, Fall 2016 Syllabi and schedule for specific semesters Textbooks, Software & Other Resources We will use the following textbooks: Software: Other resources: Prerequisites/Co-requisites.

Programming/Learning and Teaching. Ætla sér langt með stafrænar vörur. Vin­sæld­ir snjallsíma og spjald­tölva hafa auk­ist gríðarlega á aðeins ör­fá­um árum.

Ætla sér langt með stafrænar vörur

Með þeim breyt­ist upp­lif­un not­enda og fing­ur taka við af lykla­borðum og tölvumús­um. Tveir frum­kvöðlar sögðu ný­verið upp störf­um sín­um til þess að ein­beita sér að þess­um markaði. Þeir stofnuðu vef­hönn­un­ar­verið Form5 og ætla sér langt með sta­f­ræn­ar vör­ur, jafn­vel á alþjóðleg­um markaði. Í afar ein­földu máli má kannski segja að Form5 starfi á sviði sta­f­rænn­ar vöru­hönn­un­ar. Stofn­end­ur fyr­ir­tæk­is­ins eru hönnuður­inn Stein­ar Ingi Farest­veit og for­rit­ar­inn Ólaf­ur Örn Niel­sen. „App-deild“ inn­an fyr­ir­tæk­is í San Francisco hafði áhuga á að fá hannað kerfi sem sýn­ir helstu upp­lýs­ing­ar um stöðu þeirra appa sem eru í þróun (fyr­ir mis­mun­andi stýri­kerfi). Computer Programming. Overview (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)