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Facebook Twitter Scholar. ORCID – why do we need a unique researcher ID? (with tweets) · mfenner. And CASRAI collaborate to advance research data interoperability. ORCID and CASRAI are pleased to announce that they will be working closely to collaboratively advance our non-profit mandates.

and CASRAI collaborate to advance research data interoperability

In the near future, CASRAI will be working to include the ORCID identifier in its common dictionary as one of the many data elements descriptive of individual researchers. "We are very pleased to collaborate with ORCID", says David Baker, CASRAI Executive Director. "A clear and sustainable solution to author and contributor disambiguation is a key component in our goal of seamless interoperability across organizational and national boundaries within the research community. " Likewise, ORCID will work to align the data elements it collects with equivalent concepts, where applicable, in the CASRAI dictionary.

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