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Design expert Tyler Wisler joins Mashable on Pinterest to inspire you to upgrade your home. Even the smallest homes can be charming with the right interior design. "Great design is what you make of it; what makes you happy," says designer and TV personality Tyler Wisler. This week, Wisler is joining Mashable on Pinterest as our guest Pinterest influencer, sharing his favorite interior designs. Wisler, whose work has been showcased on HGTV's Design Star and NBC's George To The Rescue frequently mixes classic and contemporary influences to create fun, modern and unique homes. Be sure to follow our "There's No Place Like Home" board to find inspiration for your next home redesign. MashableThere's No Place Like Home See On And don't forget to check out more of Tyler's work on Pinterest. Tyler Wisler Home. Silvíukaka | Ljúfmeti og lekkerheit. Þetta er uppáhaldskaka Ögga og sænsku drottningunar, Silvíu.

Ég skil það vel því kakan er æðislega góð. Hún er mjög fljótleg í bakstri og hráefnið það einfalt að ég á það alltaf til og hef ég því stundum bakað þessa köku í snatri þegar við höfum fengið gesti óvænt í kaffi. Í dag byrjaði Öggi loksins í sumarfríi og mér fannst við verða að halda upp á það. Það var því alveg kjörið að baka Silvíuköku og þegar hann kom heim settumst við út á pall og fengum okkur kaffi. Silvíukaka 2 egg2 dl sykur1 dl vatn2 dl hveiti2 tsk lyftiduft Glassúr 75 gr smjör1 dl sykur (eða flórsykur)2 tsk vanillusykur1 eggjarauðakókosmjöl Hitið ofninn í 175°. Á meðan kakan er í ofninum er glassúrinn gerður. Þegar kakan er tilbúin er glassúrinn breiddur yfir kökuna og kókosmjöli stráð yfir.

Líkar við: Like Hleð inn... Notes Essays—Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup—Stanford, Spring 2012. Atli Harðarson » Sarpur » Argaþras um brottfall úr framhaldsskólum. Háværasta umræðan um framhaldsskóla í fjölmiðlum er argaþras um mikið brottfall og litla skilvirkni. Mest er þetta óttalegt bull. Í ritinu Education at a Glance 2012 sem gefið er út á vegum OECD eru tölfræðilegar upplýsingar um menntakerfi OECD landa til ársins 2010. Gögn um kostnað ná þó aðeins til ársins 2009. Þarna má lesa að árið 2010 töldust aðeins 67% Íslendinga á aldrinum 25 til 64 ára hafa lokið námi á framhaldsskólastigi. Sambærileg tala fyrir Danmörku var 76% og meðaltal OECD landa var 74%. A) Hér gerðist það seinna en í nágrannalöndum að þorri árgangs innritaðist í framhaldsskóla og fyrir vikið eru margir fullorðnir án prófa úr framhaldsskólum án þess það segi mikið um kerfið eins og það er nú. b) Hér telst 2ja ára nám ekki með þegar talið er hve margir hafa lokið framhaldsskóla.

C) Hér teljast nemendur sem hafa stundað nám en fengið falleinkunn ekki hafa lokið framhaldsskólanámi. Fleiri merkileg sannindi um íslenska menntakerfið má finna á vef Hagstofunnar. The Flexible Mind. Five two day fasting - Google leit. AI-Therapy | Overcome Social Anxiety. Ódýrt flug, hótel og bílaleiga | Enterprise Europe Network.

EEP-Network: European Entrepreneurship Practitioners Network (EEP) The Top 5 Underrated Sci-Fi Movie Masterpieces. Sónn Rafeindastofan. GOTT AÐ VITA - fræðsluvefur Landssamtaka lífeyrissjóða. Verðbólguspá. Verðbólguspá Seðlabanka Íslands gegnir mikilvægu hlutverki við framkvæmd peningastefnunnar. Í raun má segja að verðbólguspá bankans gegni hlutverki nokkurs konar millimarkmiðs stefnunnar svipað og markmiðið um stöðugt gengi áður. Ástæðan er sú að víki verðbólga sem spáð er umtalsvert frá verðbólgumarkmiðinu kallar það á aðgerðir Seðlabankans með svipuðum hætti og þegar gengi krónunnar lækkaði eða hækkaði áður, þegar stöðugt gengi var millimarkmið peningastefnunnar. Því er mikilsvert að verðbólguspár séu eins vel úr garði gerðar og kostur er. Verðbólguspár byggjast á tölfræðilegu mati á sambandi verðbólgu og nokkurra hagstærða sem taldar eru hafa áhrif á verðbólguna eða eru a.m.k. undanfari hennar, auk þess sem oft er lagt mat á áhrif sérstakra aðstæðna sem líklegt er að hafi áhrif á verðlagsþróun næstu missera.

Breytingar á launum og gengi krónunnar eru þær hagstærðir sem reynslan sýnir að standi í hvað nánustum tengslum við verðbólgu. Vextir - Landsbankinn. The geek manifesto. 19 atriði sem þú þarft að gera til að ná árangri. Það kemst eng­inn langt í líf­inu sem hlíf­ir sjálf­um sér við að stíga erfiðu skref­in. Hér eru 19 atriði sem þú ætt­ir að hafa í huga - ef þú vilt vera bíl­stjóri í eig­in lífi, ekki farþegi eins og fram kem­ur á vef­miðlin­um Buis­ness Insi­der. 1.

Þú verður að geta tekið skrefið sem þú hræðist að taka. 2. Þú verður að vakna fyrr en þig lang­ar. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Þú verður að gera erfiða hluti. Þetta eru hlut­irn­ir sem skil­greina þig. Erfiðustu atriðin eru þau auðveld­ustu til að hunsa. Sann­leik­ur­inn er sá að venju­legt fólk af­rek­ar ótrú­leg­ustu hluti af því að það ger­ir hlut­ina sem gáfaðra, rík­ara og jafn­vel hæf­ari ein­stak­ling­ar hef­ur ekki hug­rekki til að gera – eða þyrst­ir ekki eins í það. Gerðu erfiðu hlut­ina. Tveir milljarðar í Algalíf | RÚV. World Record Poker Tournament - Free Tourney Tickets and Bonus Code. While the world’s athletes push for glory on TV, you can help set a new World Record by playing what’s set to be the biggest poker tournament of all time! PokerStars last record-breaking tournament was in June 2013, with 225,000 players and victory for Russia’s ‘Mr.SlavaPro’. Now you can help break that record, with a target of 230,000 players and $25,000 guaranteed for the winner!

How to play the World Record Tournament This special tournament will aim to set a new World Record for the largest-ever tournament, with 230,000 players taking part! It takes place at 13:00 ET on February 23, and you can buy-in direct for just $1, or win your seat for less with a range of satellites. Get a free ticket for the World Record Tournament by making a deposit of $10 (£6, €7) or more using bonus code ‘RECORD2014’. New to PokerStars? To find the tournament and register, open the PokerStars lobby and click ‘Tourney’ > ‘Special’, or search for ‘Record’ using the Tourney Filter. Making Peak Performance a Lifestyle.

Here's a nice graphic I noticed on Matthew Porter's site, taken from Jeff Janssen's work with athletes. The idea is that change is a function of commitment--and very little change occurs without deep emotional buy-in. One of the most frustrating aspects of change efforts is the desire for change, but the lack of true buy-in and follow-through. (Consider New Year's resolutions as case in point). This is also a key challenge for managers in organizations: it's not too difficult to elicit compliance from employees, but it's rare to inspire commitment and the sense of compulsion. Porter makes the excellent point that we can assess our level of commitment across the many aspects of our lives, from our physical and spiritual development to our relationships and productive work. Think of each of these aspects as a potential source of energy, self-affirmation, and growth. The risk is not just lack of commitment, but also one-sided commitment.

I Fired Joe, and We Both Have to Live With It. Comics, Quizzes, and Stories - The Oatmeal. 7 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts. Negative thinking can be a habit of mind. Thoughts sink in and linger there until you take action to get rid of them. When you first start thinking negatively, it can be tempting to try and force those thoughts out of your head. You try as hard as possible to stop thinking about them and push them out. But this approach often backfires. Resisting those negative thoughts can actually reinforce that thinking pattern and just make things worse. The more you try not to think about something, the more you actually end up thinking about it. To get rid of negative thinking, you need to try a different approach – something that will clear your mind of those negative thoughts once and for all.

Here are seven ways to clear your mind of negative thinking. 1. Take a moment to observe your body language. If you are, you’re more likely to think negatively. Bad body language can lower your self-image and lead to a lack of confidence. Sit up straight in a confident manner. 2. 3. Slow things down. 4. 5. 6. Remember Everything. Writing by hand is here to stay. Each stroke conveys emotion and creative expression that’s beyond the reach of keyboard and mouse. Not to mention, studies have shown that handwriting is linked to improved learning, memory, and idea generation. For decades now, there have been digital writing options, but something was always off. Maybe the software wasn’t smooth enough or the stylus was too inaccurate. But even more fundamentally, the process lacked the familiar satisfaction of pen on paper.

That’s all about to change. We believe that the best technology experiences happen when software and hardware are built together to achieve a shared goal. The Finest Stylus It all comes down to the tip. Enhancing the simplicity of using the Jot Script, it’s powered by a standard AAA battery (included), so you don’t need to worry about cables, docks or being stranded without a charge. The Best Handwriting App Having the best stylus ever made is only half of the story.

A Hybrid Stylus All Together Now. iPad Air, iPad mini and iPad battery charging / maintenance. Privacy Policy for TheHowTo.wik(i) At TheHowTo.wik(i), the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by TheHowTo.wik(i) and how it is used. Log Files Like many other Web sites, TheHowTo.wik(i) makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. Cookies and Web Beacons This site does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie. Thrive (2011) - Plot Summary. 75 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Evernote . Keyboard shortcuts for Windows. How to Use Jot Script Evernote Edition stylus with Penultimate. Flækjusaga Illuga: Viljum við vera Herúlar? | Frétt | Fallbeyging - Wikipedia, frjálsa alfræðiritið. Fallbeyging eða beyging (skammstafað sem b.) er mismunandi form orða eftir stöðu og hlutverki innan setningar. Beyging getur líka tjáð merkingarleg atriði eins og tölu (þ.e.a.s, fjölda), kyn og fleira. Strikið tilstrik (n-strik, strik sem er jafnbreitt bókstafnum n) er notað við upptalningu beygingarmynda.[1] Fjöldi falla[breyta] Í íslensku[breyta] Tengt efni[breyta] Heimildir[breyta] Íslensk málstöð Tilvísanir[breyta] Jump up ↑ Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræðiÞetta strik [–, tilstrik] er einnig notað til að aðgreina beygingarmyndir í upptalningu.

How to Connect Your iPad to Your TV. The iPad is a great device for lounging in bed and watching a movie on Netflix or laughing at videos from Funny or Die, but sometimes you want to see them on the big screen. So how do you connect your iPad to your TV? Whether you have an old television set from the dark ages or the newest HDTV on the market, it's rather simple to get your iPad connected to your TV. And these methods work with both the iPad and the iPad Mini. Connecting the iPad to Your TV With Apple TV and AirPlay Apple TV is the best way to connect your iPad to your TV. In addition to streaming Netflix, YouTube and your iTunes collection, Apple TV supports AirPlay, which means you can stream apps like Crackle, a free app with movies and TV shows from Sony Pictures Entertainment Company. Apple TV is more expensive than some of the other options, but it is also the only solution that is wireless.

Connect the iPad to your HDTV through HDMI Connect the iPad through composite/component cables My iPad is connected to my TV. Argosy HV373T Media player & recorder: specs - Onyougo. Hard drives greater than 2 TB do not work on existing operating systems. This answer explains what to do if a 2 TB (or greater) hard drive does not work on a 32-bit operating system. It also lists things to consider when upgrading to a 2 TB or greater drive.

*END Critical: Hard drives greater than 2 TB may not work on legacy operating systems. Problem: External USB, eSATA, Firewire, and internal hard drives over 2 TB's cannot be formatted on Windows 32-bit operating systems using the Master Boot Record (MBR) partitioning scheme. Cause: This not a WD external or internal hard drive issue. Solution: In order to use a drive larger than 2 TB, you will need an operating system that can partition and format that drive. Below are some things to keep in mind when considering the use of drives larger than 2 TB's: Mac OSX 10.4.x (Tiger) and higher will read drives larger than 2TB. For more information on GUID partitioning please see: For more information on MBR partition size limitation, please see:

Polder model. The polder model is a term with uncertain origin that was first used to describe the acclaimed Dutch version of consensus-based economic and social policy making, specifically in the 1980s and 1990s. [citation needed] The term quickly took on a wider meaning, to denote similar cases of consensus decision-making in the Dutch fashion. It is described with phrases like "a pragmatic recognition of pluriformity" and "cooperation despite differences". Socioeconomic polder model[edit] The Dutch polder model is characterised by the tri-partite cooperation between employers' organizations such as VNO-NCW, labour unions such as the Federation Dutch Labour Movement, and the government.

These talks are embodied in the Social Economic Council (Dutch: Sociaal-Economische Raad, SER). The SER serves as the central forum to discuss labour issues and has a long tradition of consensus, often defusing labour conflicts and avoiding strikes. Other uses[edit] Historical background[edit] External links[edit] Install a new larger Hard Drive and format it with ease. LG G2: Common Problems Users Have and How to Fix Them. We’ve seen some impressive moves in the market from LG in recent months, none more so than its flagship Android smartphone, the LG G2. We haven’t encountered any of these issues on our in-office G2s, but the G2 is available on many carriers and has a few different variations. There are always a few issues.

Here are the most common bugs, glitches, and annoyances that G2 owners are reporting, and some advice on how to fix them. Updated on 4-06-2014 by Simon Hill: Updated to add mobile data problem, slow charging issue, and lag and stutter problem. Glitch: Mobile data fails to connect Some people have complained about issues with the LG G2 connecting to the mobile data network.

This should occur automatically when you go out of Wi-Fi range, but it’s not working for everyone. Workaround: Try turning Airplane mode on and then off again. Potential fix: This issue should be dealt with by a software update which should come over-the-air (OTA) when you are connected to Wi-Fi. Workarounds: Hackitat - A film about political hacking, world wide. Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands: Forsíða. 7 Things Great Leaders Know About Bad Performers. Örninn | Verslun. Captain Sensible - Happy Talk (singalong version) PresbyMax - Sjónlag. Fjölfókuslinsur - Sjónlag. How to Be Motivated Every Day: Lessons from Twyla Tharp. MicroMillions Poker Tournament Series - Micro Millions Online Tourneys. The best GPS app and navigation app options for Android. Sjúkratryggingar Íslands - Icelandic Health Insurance. Jivaro | Welcome. Pebble Time - Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises by Pebble Technology. Pebble – Keep the Momentum Going: Pebble’s got new Android superpowers (Release Notes)

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