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A Vision for Our Sass. At a recent CSS meetup, I asked, “Who uses Sass in their daily workflow?”

A Vision for Our Sass

The response was overwhelmingly positive; no longer reserved for pet projects and experiments, Sass is fast becoming the standard way for writing CSS. Article Continues Below This is great news! Sass gives us a lot more power over complex, ever-growing stylesheets, including new features like variables, control directives, and mixins that the original CSS spec (intentionally) lacked. Sass is a stylesheet language that’s robust yet flexible enough to keep pace with us. CSS-Only Solution For UI Tracking. Advertisement The web is growing up.

CSS-Only Solution For UI Tracking

We are building applications that work entirely in the browser. They are responsive; they have tons of features and work under many devices. We enjoy providing high-quality code that is well structured and tested. But what matters in the end is the impact for clients. Top 5 Core Differences Between Bootstrap 3 and Foundation 5. Slides – Create and share presentations online. Ultimate 75th - A Marvel restrospective. Trianglify by @qrohlf. Goodbye Compass. Around this time last year I threw together Style, a starting point for scalable, maintainable CSS architecture based on work I was doing in my day job at Envato.

Goodbye Compass

Back then I couldn't see myself living without Compass' vendor prefixing, spriting tools & vertical rhythm. Plus it was a dependency of Susy, my favourite grid framework. I've just released the totally Compass-free Style 2. Here's the how & why… Vendor prefixes Compass makes you use mixins for properties that need vendor prefixes. Autoprefixer lets you just write the CSS properties without prefixes, then post-processes your CSS to add prefixes for browser versions you specify at compile time (using data from autoprefixer css/** -b "> 1%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, Explorer 9" Update: Cross-browser support in Compass 1.0 will work differently, comparing usage thresholds that you set with usage data from

Sprites Here's what you need to use sprites in Sass: Vertical rhythm margin-bottom: rhythm(0.7) Susy 2. CSS Positioning 101. If you’re a front end developer or a designer who likes to code, CSS-based layouts are at the very core of your work.

CSS Positioning 101

In what might be a refresher for some, or even an “a-ha!” For others, let’s look at the CSS position property to see how we can use it to create standards-compliant, table-free CSS layouts. Article Continues Below CSS positioning is often misunderstood. 9 Cloud-Based Code Editors. List of cloud-based code editors or IDE’s.

9 Cloud-Based Code Editors

Coding from the cloud is the future and you should check these IDE’s out, some of them have paid plans and other are free to use. Codiad Codenvy Codeanywhere Codio Koding Codeita Compilr Orion Advertisement. CSSReflex — Code Snippets, Simple CSS3 Generators, Tools and Resources.