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Start-up Guidance

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Richard Branson's 5 Rules for Good Business. During a recent radio interview on the BBC, the host asked me what advice I would give to young people who want to start their own businesses.

Richard Branson's 5 Rules for Good Business

In the 46 years since I launched Student magazine, the world has certainly changed. The uncertain economic outlook and the relentless pace of technological advances make replicating Virgin’s success much more challenging for today’s young entrepreneur. At Student magazine, we expressed our opposition to the Vietnam War and the Cold War; these days, governments now face the more nebulous threat of terrorism and instability in the Middle East and Africa. Back then, American and European markets were generally stable; today, the economic power of Western nations is being challenged by the fast-growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, and growth opportunities and new markets can be found around the world.

Making Lean Startup Tactics Work for Games. If you're involved in the startup community or even just follow Hacker News, there's a pretty good chance that you've heard about "lean startups" or the "lean startup method.

Making Lean Startup Tactics Work for Games

" In his bestselling book, The Lean Startup, Eric Ries outlines a framework for small, innovative teams to more efficiently find product/market fit for new products. At its core is a focus on evaluating product design decisions based on user data gathered from scientific experiments. Eric argues that by making "validated learning" your key goal, you shortcut your time to building a wildly successful mass market product. I recently finished Eric's book, and what struck me was how many of the same principles could be applied to game companies. Eric Ries pioneered the "Lean Startup" method while at a game company, IMVU, yet many people that I've talked to in the game industry feel like this model is more applicable to "startups" than game companies.

Social Trends - Consider them when Starting a Small Business. One great way to find market opportunities for your product or service is to study social and business trends.

Social Trends - Consider them when Starting a Small Business

New social trends transform how goods are built and sold. Business opportunities grow out of the changes in the social order. Back in the 1920s, who would have thought that bottled water will be big business? With the growing consciousness for cleaner and healthier living, smart marketers correctly predicted that people would want to drink bottled water as against water straight from the tap.

And who would have guessed that the Internet would be a big thing that it is today, changing everything that we know about doing business. Looking for the Technology Stars of Tomorrow in East London. Centurions Connected. Mind Candy. Sponsors Tech City Investment Organisation (TCIO) was set up by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to help the existing cluster of tech-digital and creative companies flourish.

Mind Candy

Tech City stretches from the financial heart of the City of London to Stratford and the Olympic Park in East London, and is the fastest growing technology cluster in Europe. The TCIO team is a unique combination of experienced entrepreneurs and UKTI business specialists. Their role is to help existing companies succeed, as well as attract global business, entrepreneurs and high-value investment to the digital capital of Europe.

Hacker News London Meetup Group (London, England. How to Recruit a Great Programmer as a Partner. BillGuard co-founder and CTO Raphael Ouzan (left) and co-founder and CEO Yaron Samid (right) So you have the next great technology business idea, but you don't have a background in programming.

How to Recruit a Great Programmer as a Partner

You'll need to recruit a programmer who not only can design, write and test online and mobile code, but also share your passion and bring your vision to life. Your initial idea might be to hire a consultant or outsource those duties, but you may want to consider bringing on a software developer as a partner. Hiring a software developer as an employee isn't always easy. Due to the proliferation of companies seeking web and mobile application developers, the best programmers are in high demand, says Amy Hoover, executive vice president and partner at Atlanta-based Talent Zoo, an advertising, marketing and technology recruitment service. While some entrepreneurs opt to save money by outsourcing programming duties to companies overseas, Hoover says complications can outweigh benefits. EMEIA FSO: Creating a culture of Intrapreneurship. Mornings are a great time for getting things done.

You’re less likely to be interrupted than you are later in the day. Your supply of willpower is fresh after a good night’s sleep. That makes it possible to turn personal priorities like exercise or strategic thinking into reality. But if you’ve got big goals—and a chaotic a.m. schedule—how can you make over your mornings to make these goals happen? Because I write about time management frequently, I’ve gotten to see hundreds of calendars and schedules over the years. Startup Secret 52: Be pound wise and penny foolish.

--Chance Barnett, CEO, Crowdfunder So much of a startup CEO's job is raising money, that it stands to reason that the CEO will also spend a lot of time worrying about spending it.

Startup Secret 52: Be pound wise and penny foolish