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Concept mapping

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Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online. Learning to Build Concept Maps (for Beginners) (Root Cmap) Basics of mind/concept mapping. Directing your thinking series Many of us have learned to outline information in our studies, as: First item Second item sub item sub item sub sub item sub sub item Third item Alternatives to outlining are mind- and concept-mapping. How do I map? First reject the idea of an outline, or of paragraphs using sentences. Think in terms of key words or symbolsthat represent ideas and words: Other options for mind-mapping: a pencil (you'll be erasing!)

Write down the most important word or short phrase or symbol for the center.Think about it; circle it. Post other important concepts and their words outside the circle Edit this first phase Think about the relation of outside items to the center itemErase, edit, and/or shorten words to key ideas Relocate important items closer to each other for better organizationIf possible, use color to organize informationLink concepts with words to clarify their relationships Thinking and recall series.

Concept Maps. Concept Map Maker. Educators and students alike rely on Lucidchart as the ultimate teaching and learning tool. Our concept map generator gives you the ability to visualize connections between ideas, events, or notes in order to better plan curriculum, create study guides, or outline writing projects. Customizable formatting options give you complete control over the look and feel of your concept map, allowing you to build lessons, assessments, and guides that support learning at a higher cognitive level.

Educators and students alike rely on Lucidchart as the ultimate teaching and learning tool. Our concept map generator gives you the ability to visualize connections between ideas, events, or notes in order to better plan curriculum, create study guides, or outline writing projects. Customizable formatting options give you complete control over the look and feel of your concept map, allowing you to build lessons, assessments, and guides that support learning at a higher cognitive level.