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Weardrobe | who's wearing what. 5 Fresh Digital Media Trends to Watch. Digital media, as many a Mashable reader is aware, is evolving at a rapid pace. It's three months in to 2011, and already we're witnessing the realization of many of our predictions for news media, digital advertising and startups this year. Social tools, such as Facebook and Tumblr, are coming to play a new role in news reporting and distribution, while brands are taking on the role of the media by creating and publishing content themselves. Meanwhile, consumers are beginning to access digital content across more devices, often simultaneously, and content creators are responding by creating content for multiple platforms and selling access to them in new subscription offerings.

Those are just a few of the trends we're observing across digital media, which we explore in greater depth below. 1. Twitter, YouTube and RSS, among other platforms, have long been lauded for their roles in news reporting and distribution in the age of real-time and social media. 2. 3. 4. 5. Additional Trends. Can Social Media Get You a Job? If you’re job hunting, you may be tired of everyone telling you to network, network, network. Sorry. But it’s a fact: networking is the no. 1 way to find a job.

And now, thanks to a new invention you may have heard of, “the Internet,” you have a bigger and better way to network: Social media Social media exponentially increases your connections and contacts. According to Jobvite’s Dan Finnigan, “Social networking is an enhanced, real-time version of networking. By getting involved in social media, you’ll learn about job opportunities you would never find offline.” So come on in, the water’s fine. . • Get a professional-sounding E-mail address for all your job-hunting activities. • Get a businesslike photo taken. • Stake out some Internet real estate to serve as a “landing page. . ” • Start building your profiles on these social media sites, in this order: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.

. • Join the conversation(s) . • And most important: Give before you get. . 10 New Rules for Today's Job Hunt. If you are mid-career, out of work and looking, you’ve probably already figured this one out: The tried-and-true job-hunting techniques that served you so well in the past no longer fill the bill.

[See 15 essentials to getting hired.] While you were faithfully toiling away for the same employer, maybe for decades, a lot changed. Today it’s a brave new world of social media and digital résumés and Google-ability. What’s more, many extremely qualified people are willing to take positions clearly “beneath” them. What’s an experienced, qualified, truly valuable potential employee who needs a job that pays actual money like you to do? Here are the 10 biggest differences between then and now: [See 40 things you can't discuss at work.] 1. 2. 3.

[See 25 tips for acing the lunch interview.] 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You can do this. Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Network Your Way Into a Job.: 10 Smart Ways to Use Social Media in Your Job Search - US News & World Report.