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Verndewd. We Are Change‬‎ UNIVERSITY The mainstream media has failed us time and time again. Their appalling lack of integrity, tenacity, and spine continues on a daily basis, insulting anyone paying attention. We Are Change is creating a platform where aspiring journalists can achieve success and develop their careers without jumping through degrading corporate hoops. 11 years ago with a cheap camera borrowed from a friend, I dedicated my life to confronting those who repeatedly escaped justice. No longer would the perpetrators of hate and violence continue to walk amongst us without repercussions. We have successfully exposed the hypocrisies of Henry Kissinger, Ben Bernanke, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Jacob Rothschild, Mayor Bloomberg, Larry Silverstein, and the Rockefeller family. Our mission is to create a new generation of journalists, unafraid of institutionalized authority, unafraid to challenge the status quo and preconceived notions.

. - Break the mold of contemporary journalism. The European Agenda‬‎ Laura Hates The NWO‬‎ Georgebushpimps‬‎ FKN Newz‬‎ BBC5tv. Federaljacktube‬‎ Dprogramtv‬‎ The Global Reality Channel. Join Josh as he continues his quest to uncover the true ancient history and forgotten past of the Americas, and the world, in his second volume release of his latest ground-breaking documentary! In this second installment, investigations feature sites, filmed on location: Chaco CanyonArea 51Lovelock CavePyramid LakePinson MoundsSaul's MoundBicentenial Mall (Enki's tower, the Meru stargate)Nashville Owl BuildingMammoth CaveSerpent MoundFort AncientOhio History Museumthe Great CircleNewark EarthworksAligator MoundNehphilim Graveyard of the KingsMound CityAngel MoundsCahokiaDealey Plaza SolsticeLake Tahoe and more!

Buy it at the link below. Show less. Cultures of Resistance‬‎ AshangelV1. 91177info. RP4409. 4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint guards go nuts KICK in car door 1,133,724 views 1 year ago READ THIS: A few Nazi Checkpoint / roadblock guards kick in a mans door then lie about it. The man involved has NEVER been in trouble with the law in his entire life and is a teacher. Remember that these checkpoints are inland some over 180 miles inland. Some will spout the ACLU propaganda that there is a constitution free zone within 200 miles of the border. These checkpoints are unconstitutional because they are using dogs to check for drugs NOT illegals. TheAntiAuthoritarian.